Chapter 5

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*Picture: Google Image search of a random brick house that looks like the others in my neighborhood, supposed to  give you an idea of what Ally's house looks like.*

Chapter 5


"You two idiots need to go home. I told you to move: she looked right at you as she walked out the door, and you just couldn't help yourself, could you? Did you really have to try to pick her up?"

"What's your problem? If she would have taken me home, we could have got part one done tonight!" Luke says, looking at Steven as if I'm the biggest buzz kill of all time.

Don't punch him, you're in public...

"Just go home! I will take over the surveillance from here and we will meet again next Thursday, same time, same place."

"So what are we supposed to do until then?" Steven looks at Luke and holds up his beer in a 'might as well drink until then' kind of gesture.

"Jump off a freaking bridge for all I care, just stay away from her. She already knows what you both look like and she knows your voice! I can't believe you idiots brought me in on this! Give me the keys, I'm taking the van to keep an eye on her."

Luke throws the keys at me and says something unintelligent, probably still thinking he was right to try to pick her up.

I head out the door and make my way across the parking lot to the van. We picked this van up for next to nothing from Steven's family car lot. Not exactly what I would have chose but it does the trick since there are literally hundreds of similar vans in this city.

On the front seat, I see a few pictures and a mapquest printout. Really Luke, MapQuest? What happened to not leaving a trail? "I have got to get away from these guys before they get me locked up".

At least I have what I assume are directions to her house, so I won't have to try to catch up and follow. Looks like she lives right up the street.

I pull up five minutes later to a brick mansion on the river. The address matches but I can't help but think this has got to be the wrong house. If it is the wrong house, I've just busted Luke on another one of his side projects. He has to support his cocaine habit somehow...

I find a public river access right next door to her house, where I can park and anyone driving by will just think I'm another sunset or night time fisherman using the river access. I double check my sig is loaded and stuff it in my waistband. Hat pulled down low, I'm ready to go. Luckily I used to work in this area so I know there are a lot of joggers. I set off at a steady but slow pace and try to blend in. I start jogging in the opposite direction, away from her house, and go around the block to come up from the way I drove in. As I get closer to the house, I don't dare take a look, instead I go past in order to check out the neighbors. All the houses on this side of the street have those huge fences, most with remote gates. The houses are set back from the road, closer to the river than the road. The neighbor on the right side doesn't have any dogs, at least none that I can see, there is no neighbor on the left since that's where the river access is. I jog right past the house, not giving it a second look. I head back to my parking spot but keep going onto the access. There are cinder block walls, about six feet tall, all the way to the water on both side of the access. I walk all the way to the water and sit down on the concrete embankment, feet dangling over the water. There is a wrought iron, spiked, semi circle embedded into the block wall that is supposed to keep the public from stepping around the wall and onto the properties on either side of the access. I act as though I'm looking at the boat and docks, just in case anyone is watching, but from where I sit I have a clear view of the back yard and a portion of the back of the house. I see someone walking from room to room; it appears she is checking the doors, probably making sure they are all locked. I see her stop at the huge bay window and look across the water. I am thankful for the foliage and moonless night; otherwise, she would see me sitting here. As soon as the thought crosses my mind, she looks directly at me! I freeze, reminding myself of the dark night and the distance, thinking there is no way she could make out my face from where she stands. She stands there and stares for a full minute, then steps back and turns toward the next room. I can't help imagining her undressing and falling into bed, red hair loosely hanging down her back, or maybe she ties it up to sleep. I realize I'm as hard as a rock! I feel like a teenage boy, peeping at the girl next door, hoping to get a glimpse of her in her bra.

Ally's Revenge (Part 1 complete, Part 2 in progress)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon