Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


I have been trailing her all day. Or maybe I should say I followed her to work and have sat in a nearby parking lot all day. Ally left the house for work at 7:17 am and stopped along the way for a coffee and some crackers at a chain convenience store. She arrived at the Florida Department of Law Enforcement in downtown Jacksonville at 7:52 am, I'm assuming she clocks in at 8:00, and she has not came out of the building since. At about 8:25 I saw a beautiful, young lady with her face glued to her phone enter the building and then from 8:40-9:10 there were about 10-12 men of various ages enter the building, a few of which had to be some sort of detective and the rest maybe lab techs or computer techs. I could tell each man's job by the bad haircuts or poindexter glasses.

There was no other activity except for a few maintenance type vehicles and the security guards coming and going. Easy to tell it's a Friday because at 4:45 suddenly the main door opens and all the men I saw enter today start swarming out and heading to their cars. I have kept track of how many were coming and going throughout the day and by my count, there should only be one maintenance man, the Barbie and Allison, or Ally as I heard the bartender call her, left in the building. At 4:58 the Barbie comes out, never once looks at anything other than her phone, and gets into her pink VW Beetle. She somehow starts the car, and drives towards the automatic security gate, still never taking her eyes off the phone, waits for the gate to slowly open, and pulls out of the lot. As soon as her car clears the gate, I see a man driving a plain, white sedan, pull in through the exit just before the gate closes. By the haircut and the car he looks to be in law enforcement so I don't really think too much of it. Must be a cop that forgot his passcode? He parks at the side of the building next to an emergency exit. Another man that I did not see in the car jumps out of the back seat, walks up to the emergency exit, punches in some numbers and enters the building. Once he's inside, the man in the sedan drives back to the gate and leaves, looking like he doesn't have a care in the world.

Something's not right...

I continue to watch the building, now paying attention to every little thing going on.

About two and a half hours later, Allison comes running from around the front of the building, running for her life, and stops a few feet from her car. She looks back to where she just came from and I see the man that was dropped off chasing after her, but he's not running from something, he is running towards Allison. She looks around for a minute, and suddenly takes off running to the exit gate. At the last minute she jumps up and over the fence like a trained athlete. She is not fast enough though because the man is right behind her. I have to remind myself that if I intervene, my cover is blown. I keep that thought in my head until I see him grab her hair and pull her towards him. He is taller than her, by at least 6-8 inches, but as he swings her around, her elbow makes contact with his jaw. It's not enough to knock him out, but it's enough to stun him and make them both lose their balance. They hit the ground hard, with Ally landing on top of his stomach. She puts up a fight to get away but their legs are tangled and before she can get up, he grabs her by the throat.

He's going to kill her right here on the sidewalk!

I start my car, drive up to where they are fighting, jump out, and give the man on the ground a hard kick right to his jaw. Luckily, I was wearing my steel toe boots today because the kick breaks his jaw and knocks out a few teeth. The unexpected pain makes him scream out and he lets go of Ally's throat. The lack of oxygen made her unconscious. She slumps to the ground like a rag doll so I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder. I take her to the passenger side of my car and gently put her in the seat. I turn the air conditioner on high and lock her in the car, in case the man decides to attack her again.

Ally's Revenge (Part 1 complete, Part 2 in progress)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ