Overly Long Chapters (+ NEW BOOK COVER)

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Let's say it's the end of a long, busy day. You've just found some time that you could read Wattpad for a bit. You open up the book you've been reading, and become filled with a mild dread as you notice the chapter you're about to read is insanely long. As in, the scroller thing is pretty much the size of a dot and it moves down the page at a snail's pace no matter how hard you scroll.

No one wants to read that long of a chapter.

And it's not just that the chapter itself is long. I've noticed a trend that the longer a chapter is, the less interesting it is and the less it contributes to the actual story. I think the longest chapters I've ever read were actually those fluff chapters that authors sometimes add because their readers keep pestering them about how much they love the ship and blah blah blah (fluff chapters are something I'll get into more at another time). The speed that the plot moves and the speed that the scroller moves are directly correlated.

Another thing I picked up on (and you may have too) is how the length and amount of paragraphs in a chapter contributes majorly to how long it takes to read. This is something the little scroller bar doesn't indicate. No one wants to read a giant block of text that spans the entire length of the iPad/computer (whatever you're using to read atm).

My favorite thing is when each paragraph is one short line of dialogue. I can read it super quickly and scroll down the page like nothing.

Even when I write these chapters for this book I try to vary up the paragraph lengths because I want it to be easier to read.

That's the end of the actual chapter, but I have something special to show you:

The current cover of this book is fall themed, but Christmas is coming up soon, so I thought it would be fun to make a Christmas themed cover!

The current cover of this book is fall themed, but Christmas is coming up soon, so I thought it would be fun to make a Christmas themed cover!

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