Top 5 Hardest Genres to Write (+ announcements and blah blah blah)

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Guess what? I'm back.

How long has it been? 

You probably don't care, do you? Well, if you do, you can read the big ol' author's note at the end of the chapter, because I don't need to bore everybody with my life story. 

Now on with it already!

*This list is based on how hard it is to organize the plot and setting for these genres, so I'm not including horror because I think the genre is based more around a specific writing style than the setting or plot organization.

5: Realistic Fiction

This one's easy because it's literally based on real life and your own experiences. Because this is a pet peeve book, my pet peeve with this genre is that YA authors only use high school as a setting for their realistic fiction books. They're all the same after a while. I swear if I have to read one more story about a bunch of dumb high school seniors fussing over their college applications... At least in adult novels this genre is a bit more diverse. 

4: Sci-Fi/Dystopian

The main reason I think sci-fi/dystopian is rather easy is because it is set in the future, and the future is based on the present. The only challenge with this genre is that it requires you to be slightly creative with the world building, more so in dystopian books. I know I've already made a chapter ranting about dystopian Wattpad books (also professionally published books), because dystopian books always seem to copy each other. Other sci-fi books (as in stories that are set not to far in the distant future) aren't much better. It's basically realistic fiction except that everyone uses screens for everything. Literally read any sci-fi book and count the number of times the narrator says "screen". Isn't technology amazing?

3: Fantasy

To me, fantasy is very similar to sci-fi/dystopian in that you have to get creative with the world building, but fantasy has added elements. Many fantasy stories include a magic system, and the challenge with a magic system is making it logical and not making characters too overpowered. Fantasy is a genre that I don't have much experience with. It just isn't my scene. Because of that, I don't have very many specific pet peeves when it comes to the genre. However, I have noticed that a lot of recent fantasy books use some sort of disease as a form of conflict, and that probably just has to do with the Rona.  

2: Mystery/Thriller

I've read (and been disappointed by) a lot of mystery books, and I've noticed that amateur authors have a really hard time executing that final plot twist. Personally, I find that a good plot twist has two key elements:
1: The twist villain has to be a stakeholder in the plot. They can't just be someone who got introduced two paragraphs ago for the sake of being the villain, or someone who has been in the story, but their role is so small that no one really cares about them.

2: Foreshadowing. The revelation can't just come out of nowhere. If I was to read the book a second time, I should be able to find "bread crumbs" throughout the book that hint at whoever is the villain. 

Organization is also key in this genre. You essentially have to build the plot in reverse. 

Now, drum roll please... 

The #1 most difficult genre to write (in my opinion) is HISTORICAL FICTION.

Historical novels require the most research, and writing one would intimidate me because I would be so scared of getting some fact wrong. Another thing about this genre is that you have to combine fiction with nonfiction, and you have to do it in a sense that's realistic. 

Now for the big ol' author's note:

I sure seem to love abandoning this book, don't I? Well don't worry, because it will probably happen again in the future (or something). Gosh, my writing muscles feel stiff. 

Sorry if this chapter felt really boring. This was something I had thought of and talked about with my sister, and she thought it was interesting because she's an education major. I know this chapter doesn't really keep with the theme of pet peeves, and especially not Wattpad pet peeves, but I forgot how fun writing is!

The truth is, it's been almost a year since I've read anything on Wattpad. Yes, I've graduated to actual library books. So on that note, I think I'm going to expand this book to my reading pet peeves in general, and not just Wattpad pet peeves, though I still have some unfinished chapters that are related to Wattpad, so I'll try to get those out. 

It still makes me a little sad that this book isn't doing nearly as well as my zodiac book, but I guess that's expected. I find that the zodiac tag makes you really popular really quick. I'll try to continue this book for my own enjoyment, but because it doesn't get very many reads, I'm not going to commit to it that much. You can probably expect that I'll put out a bunch of chapters in the next couple of weeks, and then probably abandon this again. 

Anyway see ya next time!

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