The Wattpad Writing Process

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Hey people. I told you this chapter would be coming soon. 

So typically, when books are professionally published, the entire book is written beforehand and then it is published. Simple as that. When TV shows get aired, the season has completed filming by the time the first episode is premiered. The only difference is that the season is released gradually. One episode per week. 

However, when it comes to Wattpad books, the process is quite different. The process for publishing a Wattpad book can be most easily equated to uploading a gaming series on YouTube. You feel inspired, upload one episode, it does well, and then you keep making and uploading episodes through time. This time, the difference is that the gaming playthrough episodes don't necessarily have to tie together into some plot. This gradual publishing process becomes an issue with Wattpad novels because the chapters need to tie together into a plot. If a writer doesn't have their plot fully thought out, that's where they, and their readers, can run into a bunch of issues. 

The issues I mentioned in the previous chapter, where the story doesn't match the description, and when the story's plot randomly shift gears, are extra susceptible to occurring when the book is written and published gradually. Readers will also come across issues that I will mention in future chapters, such as main characters not being well developed, and settings also being poorly developed (stay tuned). 

In general, when you publish novels on Wattpad, you should have a decently well rounded idea of what is going to happen in each chapter before you begin releasing your story to the public. 

The exceptions to this rule are books whose chapters are independent from each other, kind of like what you're reading here, or maybe some kind of short story book. 

I think having a good plan for your book in advance can also be a way to prevent writer's block. 

The bottom line is, the problem with the Wattpad writing process is that it enables writers to release stories without properly planning them. 

Gosh, I should really get more creative with these chapters. 

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