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"You did what?!", Eunwoo screeched once Jungkook told him where he brought Taehyung. The man sighed, stomping towards his beverage table and getting himself a drink before taking a deep gulp. He ignored his friend.

"Are you absolutely insane, Jungkook? What were you thinking? Didn't you want him to love you?!", Eunwoo accused his best friend, staring absolutely flabbergasted at him because he couldn't believe what he did.

Jungkook always said that he loved the boy but taking him down to the cellar? Why would he do that?

The black Chess King stared into the abyss of his already empty glass before filling it back up. He sighed.

"It's him, Woo. The boy I've been searching for", he murmured, the memories once again flooding his mind. He took another gulp of the heavy whiskey, finally feeling his brain being clouded from the alcohol.

He wanted to forget what he did. Because Jungkook knew that it was wrong, oh so wrong. He was doomed from the moment he left Taehyung there.

"What? The fuck you mean?" The dark-haired man was furious, he never expected Jungkook to behave this way. Sure, he threw most of his flings into the prison because they got attached or betrayed him in some way, but Eunwoo really thought that Jungkook was going to act different with Taehyung.

He couldn't wait for that explanation.

"When I was fifteen, I met this boy, I told you about him. Turns out it was Taehyung all along", Jungkook explained, still not turning towards Eunwoo because he didn't want to see the look on his best friend's face. He knew he fucked up and he could only hope his plan would work.

Jungkook didn't want to harm Taehyung. He only wanted to teach him a little lesson, nothing more. Taehyung should really realize that Jungkook was the only one giving him comfort.

"The little dollie you keep as prisoner? The one you claim to love??!" The explosion caused Jungkook to flinch in guilt, before spinning around.

"I had to! He needs to be punished!", he tried to defend himself but Eunwoo only snarled in disbelief.

"You are destroying him with your stupidity!"

"I am teaching him to love only me! He should know that only I can give him safety and comfort! That's the way he'll fall in love with me!"

"No, Jungkook. That's the way your father forced your mother to love him", Eunwoo said, slumping against the chair and rubbing a hand over his face. It was true. His father had been obsessed with his mother, and when she didn't want to willingly go with him, he kidnapped her.

Jungkook had always promised himself to never become like his father but how could he stop a toxic behavior that he grew up with? It was like he was forced to act this way. Still, that wasn't an excuse for the horrible treatment of Taehyung.

But Jungkook loved him. Taehyung was the little angel that had kept him alive for so many years. He couldn't let go of him, now nor never.

"I will never let him go, now even less than before. He's mine, meant to be mine from the start. And Woo, he's even more special then you believe. I have to protect him", Jungkook didn't want to reveal the secret to Eunwoo. It was his to keep. It made him feel powerful to know things. Like he was the only one able to protect Taehyung.

"You are hurting him." Eunwoo couldn't just sit there and watch this morally wrong behavior. He felt responsible since he was probably the only one able to reason with Jungkook. But the Mafia leader stayed adamant and shook his head.

"I only want to discipline. There are cameras in the cellar. If he really is suffering, I will get him out of there", he commented, pointing at the multiple monitors in his office. The silhouette of Taehyung's small form was visible. 

"You are obsessed with him and that's fucking unhealthy. You are freaky, Kook, I knew that before but this-- this is madness."

"No. That's love."


Taehyung was forced to stay the night in prison, cuddled up in soft blankets and whimpering because the other prisoners tried talking to him, flirting with him and making suggestive, dirty comments of what they wanted to do to his body and his cute ass.

"Cute little princeeeeess, why don't you come out and show us your pretty face!"

"Yeah, let us see that pretty face of yours! It's been a while since we've last seen someone this pretty!"

The petit blond sobbed as he pressed his hands over his ears, the cuffs clicking coldly and mocking him. He tried to disappear but to no avail. His presence of course didn't go unnoticed by the rest of the prisoners; they had all seen how Jungkook carried him inside.

Unlike the other prisoners, Taehyung had been put in a comfortable cell. It wasn't dirty or small, no, it even had a small separated bathroom and a cozy bed with many blankets and pillows. A small table stood in the corner and a bookshelf was right next to it.

And unlike the others, Jungkook has been the one to put him here. Taehyung knew he was seen 'special', the prisoners told him, but he didn't feel special at all. He was thrown in prison after all.

"Leave the boy alone", a new voice joined the calls, coming from a much closer cell and Taehyung  lifted his head because the voice actually sounded gentle and nice. And maybe he was nice; Jungkook was mean so some prisoners had to be innocent.

"Sorry for them. They are real assholes", the voice now turned to Taehyung, a friendly timbre that sounded so comforting and charming. Yet Taehyung didn't dare to answer, nor did he want to. All he wanted was to sit here alone in his misery and maybe cry a bit.

"You don't want to talk, I understand. Must be a lot to be here... I mean, they say you're his lover." He heard the same voice again but the last words angered him so much that Taehyung broke his silence.

"Who says this?", he asked into the darkness and heard nothing for a moment before a dark chuckle sounded through his cell, making him shiver.

"Oh, so you do talk", amusement in the voice. He was making fun of Taehyung, taking a liking in seeing him suffer.

"Of course I do. I am scared, not mute", Taehyung snapped before realizing that the other must be a bad guy for being put down here. Maybe... he didn't know what was wrong or right anymore.

"Who are you scared of, pretty boy? Is it Jeon?", the raspy voice asked. Taehyung imagined the owner to sit opposite to him, on the same wall, same misery filling his head.

"Yes", Taehyung whispered, knees pulled up to his chest before he rested his head onto his knees, tears brimming in his eyes.

"But I also want him to save me from this scary place..."


Poor TaeTae... who do you think is the voice's owner ?


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