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Angry voices awoke Taehyung. His poor
head was killing him and Taehyung needed a moment in order to regain back his vision, blinking around confused. He saw two pair of legs standing close in his sight, he tried squinting his eyes but that was only worsening the headache splitting his head open.

So in order to stop his head from pounding, Taehyung rested his head back on the ground beneath him. He was laying on something hard, he realized, the ground of some room. But Taehyung didn't know where he was and how he ended up there.

When he did realize, he froze and his breathing turned frantic which caused the two persons shouting profanities at each other, to turn around. Quickly, Taehyung closed his eyes back shut and forcing his lungs to cooperate as he turned his breaths more steady.

"Is he still knocked out?", a strange voice asked close to Taehyung's head, it held a weird accent to the timbre. Taehyung felt movements nearby and he withheld a shudder. Someone has crouched down next to him.

A hand came down to caress the golden locks of the unconscious boy on the floor. Long fingers played with a specific lock before it was wiped out of the small, porcelain like face of the gorgeous little angel.

"So beautiful... Jeon has good taste, that's for sure." The voice belonged to a man. After it grew distanced again, another voice joined in. This time, Taehyung recognized the voice right away.

"He's still knocked out. And the old man should better hurry up or else the drug is going to lay off faster than his arrival." It was Eunwoo's voice and Taehyung quickly bit back a sob.

How could he? Taehyung had trusted Eunwoo, Jungkook trusted the male. The poor blond still didn't understand Eunwoo's reason behind, everything had happened so fast and Taehyung had already stood under the influence of the drug Eunwoo had sprinkled over his food.

His past words were blurry to Taehyung.

"Relax, everything's gonna come together."

Taehyung was touched once again and only this time did he flinch away from the cold fingers.

"Knew you were awake", the sinister voice said, you could clearly hear the smirk out of it. Taehyung slowly opened his eyes with a whimper, crawling away a bit. He was met with two faces, puppy eyes already starting to fill with tears.

The man crouched down in front of him smiled evilly at the beauty laying so exposed and vulnerable in front of him. The golden-haired boy was absolutely breathtaking and now that he finally in front of him, instead of pictures, Taehyung was even more beautiful up close.

"Hi, Pretty. We're finally seeing each other."

That's when Taehyung realized who he was.

"P-prison boy", he stuttered out, not believing to be standing, well sitting, in front of the one who had kept him company during his stay in Jungkook's prison.

The man exposed white teeth as he stared down at Taehyung with evil intentions hiding underneath his handsome aura.

"Still a fucking cutie, aren't you", he cooed, stretching his hand out only to have it slapped away by Eunwoo. The hacker wore a snarl on his face, possessiveness visible on his features. Taehyung scurried away from them.

"Don't touch him, I won't say it another time", Eunwoo snarled angrily. Taehyung was surprised, he had never seen Eunwoo angry before. It was scary. Taehyung now understood how the stoic and cold looking Jungkook and the seemingly calm but sarcastic Eunwoo could be friends: they had the same bad temper and scary aura when they were angry.

Taehyung could only stare at Eunwoo in betrayal. His tongue felt heavy and he didn't seem to be able to voice out his thoughts, only mumbles and whimpers leaving his lips. Yet the small sounds caused Eunwoo to turn his attention back to Taehyung and his eyes softened.

"Tae—", he started lowly but Taehyung released a whined scream for help before scurrying backwards. But his back collided with a pair of legs before he could escape and he fell to the side with a sleepy little mewl.

It was an unfamiliar man picking Taehyung up from the ground. The petit male mewled in protest, flailing his legs around but was quickly and firmly restrained. Another man had moved in front of Taehyung, grabbing his legs.

The blond whined in protest, beautiful eyes wide and alarmed. The man now holding his legs and preventing him from moving smiled devilishly at the pretty male before winking at him.

"Wait— Wait! What are you doing with him?", Eunwoo protested when the two men, alongside Taehyung's prison boy, attempted to leave.

Taehyung's head lolled to the side, his sight was still blurry and he couldn't move a muscle again because one of the guys had pressed a handkerchief over his mouth.

The smell that filled his nostrils was toxic and making his head dizzy. Soon, Taehyung felt his limbs going numb, one by one.

"We had a deal! I show you the way to his quarters and I get Taehyung in return!", Eunwoo yelled angrily at them, trying to reach Taehyung but he was meanly pushed backwards. Anger and betrayal painted his face in ugly colors.

"W-what...?", the blond managed to ask in a tiny voice.  Taehyung blinked rapidly in order to stay awake, staring at Eunwoo.

He finally remembered the pieces Eunwoo told him while he was drugged. The hacker was in love with him, that's why he betrayed Jungkook in order to get a chance with Taehyung.

Betrayal washed over him once again, his eyes never leaving Eunwoo, begging him to redeem his decision, to save him before these scary men would take him.

"Sorry, Cha, change of plans. Boss wants the boy", one of them said before moving to Eunwoo and knocking him out with the back of a gun, following the three swiftly who took Taehyung away.

Taehyung's whines of protests were ignored as he was moved into a car. Soon, darkness rushed over him.


Jungkook had just been gone for an hour and he returned to chaos. His guards laid around on the porch, either unconscious or dead and when he tried waking them, they wouldn't response.

Already drawing out his gun, Jungkook cursed under his breath, his heart hammering fearfully in his chest.

'Please let Tae be okay, please please', Jungkook thought to himself before forcing the panic back down. There was no time for him to be panicked, he had to find Taehyung and make sure he was alright.

But before he could go upstairs to check the first and second floor, Jungkook found a dark-haired man laying unconscious on the ground. Eunwoo. The hacker's head was bloody at a side and when Jungkook shook him, he came to life with a groan.

"Eunwoo, what happened?", his boss demanded to know. Upon hearing Jungkook's voice, Eunwoo released a moan, but just for another reason than Jungkook assumed.

"I'm so sorry, Jungkook. I couldn't stop them." Eunwoo's apology caused Jungkook to freeze before yelling out Taehyung's name, searching for the petit blond frantically.

No. This could not be happening right now, not again! Jungkook couldn't lose him, his precious sweetheart, his Taehyung...

"Tell me this is a joke, Eunwoo", he growled because anger was so much more better than panic and sadness. It was his coping mechanism and right now, Jungkook really needed that.

And he couldn't hold back the scream of rage upon Eunwoo's following words:

"They took Taehyung."


The pieces are slowly coming together :) Stay tuned


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