Chapter 17

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***So as of right now it is 3:27 and I’m writing, did I mention it’s am? And I’ve been up since 11. I am tired but I want to write♥ Here you guys go(: Also that last part of the last chapter WAS a dream(:***



I sat straight up as tears and sweat streamed down my face, thank god that was only just a dream. I quietly slipped out of bed and walked across the cold stoned floor, ironically enough my room was almost like the highest room in the tallest tower, except it was the attic, and here I stood, wishing my Prince Charming would come sweep me off my feet and take me away. I slowly walked to my balcony, the only thing I loved in this house. I opened my French glass door and slid out into the night, letting the moonlight bathe me, sinking in my few moments of freedom.

Why didn’t I run away? Why didn’t I climb down right now and run as far as my feet could carry me? The answer was strapped on my ankle, the teeny red light glowing, and if I took it off? Well, that was actually something I hadn’t tried quite yet… I checked the time, 1:00 am, he would stay asleep until five, I could run far enough away. Quickly and quietly I grabbed my sheet, tying it to the end of my balcony, and dropped it, it silently touched the ground. I was about to rip off the bracelet but stopped, shouldn’t I climb down first? So I can run and get away just in case there’s an alarm on it? So quietly I climbed, beads of sweat dripping down my face, why was I so scared? Because the man would kill me if he caught me. It was a simple, known fact. I felt the soft grass on my feet, bending over I ripped the stupid bracelet off, an alarm, blatant, screeched out, so loud the neighbors probably jumped out of bed in alarm.

I ran and ran, no shoes on my feet, my legs cold, my face, wet from sweat. I ran as fast as my legs would carry me, I turned a corner as I saw headlights coming up. I stayed behind the building, peeking out to see my fathers car screech to a stop and him, face flushed in anger, jump out and walk angrily towards me. I gasped and ran, only to be stopped by a tall fence, I stayed quiet and started climbing, but the fence jangled under my feet. I dared to look back and saw my father make a run for me, I let out a scream and climbed faster.

His hand wrapped around my ankle, pulling me down, making it challenging for me to keep climbing. I kicked at him, but it only pulled me down to him, he smiled triumphantly and jerked my leg hard, but my grip on the fence was tight, he was baffled and I took my chance to kick him, right in the face. I climbed to the top and jumped as he was on the ground, my knee gave out from under me, causing me to fall for a second. I cried out in pain but got up and continued running. I ran and ran for miles, my breathing was raspy, sweat was running down my back, and my legs were giving up slowly, I watched the sun rise and ran the opposite way, knowing I would end up near the ocean somehow….


Waking up I made some coffee and got ready for class, preparing to see Angelina after. She was beautiful and seemed sweet, if only I could get her to open up to me… I walked out, saying bye to my roommate who was here for acting, and he was most definitely gay. I had no problem with him but it was weird, I’ll admit. I stopped at the café and grabbed a croissant and headed towards class.

Listening to the lectures was always boring, but when we sang, it was honestly, the whole reason I was here. Of course there were times I wanted to be home with my little sisters and brother, but they were with Alice and she took good care of them, and they loved her. Shaking off the long, distant thoughts of home, I packed my bag and walked out right as the bell rang, sadly, one girl behind me said, “I wonder if he’s like Edward Cullen, he always gets up the second the bell rings.”

Rolling my eyes I ignored the silly girl whose voice sounded like a toad, she was only here because she was rich. I almost came back with a retort, but decided against it, I was eighteen, a grown up. I dropped my stuff off at my room and walked towards her house.

The grey sky made her house look cold and uninviting, the windows held spiders and their webs, the door barely hanging there. How could someone live in this? I sat on the steps waiting for Angelina to either come out, or come home. The door creaked open and made me jump in surprise, Angelina poked her head out, her eyes bulging at the sight of me.

“Why are you here?” she whispered.

“I wanted to see you.” I said matter-of-factly.

“No, leave.” she hissed, racing to shut the door, I got up and stuck my foot in between the wall and door, leaving just enough space to see her face grow pale.

“Come with me.” I said, at that moment I wasn’t sure if I meant come with me in a, let’s take a walk way, or a, let’s run away, way. She set me straight though.

“I can’t, he’ll kill me..” she whispered, still trying to pull the door.

“I won’t let that happen.” I said serious as ever.

“Please, just leave.” She said, kicking my foot out and slamming the door.

I stood there for a while, contemplating on bursting in and running with her, or just walking home to my dorm, where my gay roommate sat probably acting out some scene from some play. A little sense finally came to my head and I walked home, I didn’t know this girl, why was I so quick as to run away with her? Before I pulled open my door I heard giggling, but there was no sock, so I went in anyway, shielding my eyes just in case.

“Oh hey Brandon! This is Vivian.” Dalton, my roommate, said, pointing to the girl he was straddling, and I thought he was gay…

“Oh, hi Vivian, you Dalton’s girlfriend?” I asked casually, kicking off my shoes.

“No, I’m his best friend.” she said smiling brightly, “He was just tickling me cause I wouldn’t give him some of my candy bar.” she giggled pulling the bar out and nibbling on it.

“Oh, well, do you guys want to hang out or something?” I asked, hoping they would say yes, I needed to get out right now.

“Sure! You guys want to go see a movie?” Dalton said sounding excited.

“Let’s go.” Vivian smiled and jumped up running out the door.

“She’s a handful.” Dalton rolled his eyes.

“I heard that D!” she yelled from down the hall.


I leaned against the bench, hoping someone from America would notice me sitting here, looking like a mess. Wishing that they would realize I was the girl who was kidnapped, the one who had a family to go back too, a boyfriend… That last note left my mind to wonder, was Brandon still waiting for me? Or had he moved on? Like in my dream… I shook my head and cleared those thoughts. I looked up and noticed someone all to familiar….

***Muahaha, cliffy(: Anyways, who do y’all think it is? Mom? Brandon? Dylan? Emily? Or someone you guys don’t know? Anyways, comment, vote, like, become a fan♥ I’ll update asap, pinky promise, oh and should I make a page on Facebook for you guys to like and stuff???♥***


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