Eye of the Storm

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***Hey guys! I am sosososossososoooooo sorry for my late updates:\ I know it sucks, but like I hvae explained to many readers, Im pretty much in tim-buck-two, and I go home like, every two or three weeks:\ Read on(:***

***Also, this chapter is dedicated to Adelia12345 she made me laugh so hard, and she is so nice♥ And uhhh, I can't remember.... Oh well, read on♥***

Everything in me screamed no to this guy and his cigarette, but it was so tempting, it was calling my name. That one little person inside me, screamed no, but the other screamed yes ten times louder, and with great caution, I took the cigarette....


I had this big knot in my stomach that something was off, Velanie dissapeared a few hours ago, and Angelina was sick, probably the stomach flu or something... Suddenly the door slammed and Velanie barged in, her eyes puffy and red, she smelled of smoke and something.... Was that weed? Oh my gosh, what is wrong with her?

You, you killed the sweet Velanie, say hi to the new one, the one who doesn't give a rats ass.


That stupid voice in my head argued with me all the time, now I sound crazy. I walked up to Velanie's room and knocked lightly on her door. She groaned and flung it open, fire burning in her eyes.

"What?" she asked coldly. You know what they say about high people being funny, Velanie wasn't like that...

"Are you.... High?" I asked slowly, her eyes drooping at every word.

"Why do you need to know?" she challenged.

"Because that is not the right path for you." I said calmly, holding all the anger and rage inside.

"Oh, and being with you was?" her eyes turned from a beautiful dark brown to a dangerous black, the eye of the storm.

"Must you always bring that up when we talk?" I groaned.

"Yes, because you have yet to apologize for all the wrong you have done me. Including the pregnant skank downstairs." my mouth flung open at what she said, Angel wasn't pregnant, she couldn't be.... Could she? I suddenly forgot all about our argument and walked downstairs in a numb state.

Angel sat on the couch watching a television show, her hand on her stomach. My head spun, and I walked into the kitchen, what was my world coming to? What was everyones coming to? I walked back upstairs and laid in my bed, slowly drifting to sleep.


I was running after someone, they had long black hair, and a figure so perfect.... It was pouring out, lightning flashing everywhere, sirens in the background. The sky was so dark it looked like midnight, smoke filled the air. Suddenly my feet stopped, I looked ahead, taking in my surroundings. The person I followed was Velanie, her eyes were black and blue, and had bags the size of the moon. She was taking a hit off a joint, smiling at a guy I didn't recognize, but he reeked of danger. I wanted to run and take Velanie away from him, but a sound stopped me, a maniac laugh.


Angel sat on the other side of me, laughing like a, well, a maniac. Something was in her hand, she opened her palm to reveal pills, more than she needed. She was laughing, but tears fell from her eyes. Slowly, she smiled at me and began to speak.

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