I Can See Through His Facade Part:6... Or is it 7? IDFK.

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 ***Hiya dudes! Hahah, okay soooo, umm..... I'm sorta having a writes block at the moment, but I was nice and said screw it, Ill update anyways. Besides, there's only one way to get through writers block right? To just write crap and backspace then type again until it's perfect.(: So in the last chapter they kinda got back together, but not officially, so let's see what happens now. Oh! By the way, comment, vote, like, tweet? I don't have one but do it? Heck I don't care.(:***


"Home!" I screamed entering my house, two days after Brandon visited me, the doctor let me out. I will say I miss my nurse, but I missed home.

"Velanie!" my mom scolded.

"Mother!" I scolded back.

"Your impossible." she rolled her eyes and laughed, "I'm going to make dinner, go put your stuff away."

"Yes ma'am!" I laughed and carried my bags upstairs, I walked into my room and screamed.

"Surprise!" a bunch of people yelled.

"FUCK!" I screamed, they scared me...

"We missed you too." Emily joked, soon I was attacked with one huge hug from all the people in my room.

"Help!" I screamed.

"Alright, what are you guys doing?" I heard a guy ask, I froze.

"Loving her since you screwed it up the first time." Mica retorted and hugged me tighter, and she didn't even like hugs....

"I-....." we all laughed when Brandon couldn't say anything back.

"Wait..." I said, a thought suddenly hitting me.

"What?" Mica asked.

"Who sang my part at the concert?" I asked suddenly curious.

"No one." Mica answered, "We recorded you guys one day in the studio, which we were happy about, so when you were in the hospital, we just burned your part on a CD. The audience loved it, you guys got a standing ovation." Mica smiled.

"Really?!" I squealed.

"Honest." Kourtnie said.

"Kourtnie!" I screamed.

"Velanie!" she screamed back.

"Alright! Enough girly screams, let's let her unpack and then we can eat." Brandon said rubbing his stomach.

"Who said we were going to let you have anything?" Emily asked.

"Her mommy." he smiled and pushed everyone out and locked my door, I just started unpacking, kind of nervous about being near him again, I was in no state to date him again, "Vel?"

"Hmm?" I asked while putting my socks away.

"Will you forgive me?" he asked, I didn't have to look at him to know he looked sad and lonely.

"Not yet.." I sighed, he messed up bad, and I wasn't going to let him go so easily.

"I'll do anything." he said as if reading my mind.

"Prove you truly love me." I said simply and walked out of my room to go join all my friends downstairs.

"Yes we can eat!" Emily screamed.

"You eat a lot for how tiny you are." Mica joked.

"So do you!" Emily joked back, I rolled my eyes.

"Oi." was all I managed.

"Come get food guys!" my mom called, I looked around as everyone ran into the kitchen, Brandon hadn't come down yet... I quietly snuck upstairs and peeked into my room, I saw Brandon leaning over my desk writing something, I sighed and ran back down to go eat, I was starving.

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