I Can See Through His Facade Part:14

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***Oh.My.Gosh. 3,000.... Three thousand.... 1,000x3.... I think I'm in shock? Complete.... Awe... I love you guys so much! You do not understand the love I have for y'all right now.... I would have your babies... Just kidding. Hahahhaha, here is your reward, a chapter I am going to work very hard on.. I'll try to make it the best. Just for y'all. Comment, vote, like, Become a fan?♥***


*Brandon's P.O.V*

"Emily can you go to the restroom and check on Velanie? She's taking a while..." I asked a bit worried.

"Sure." Emily smiled and walked away quickly, she must have been a bit worried too.

*Emily's P.O.V*

When Emily was walking into the restroom she saw a car speed off outside, "Ditchers." she snorted and walked in, "Vel?" she called in the silent room, no answer. She walked in looking through every stall, Velanie was not in this restroom.... Suddenly her phone buzzed, Velanie had just texted her...

"Hope you can deal with never seeing your best friend again."

"What are you talking about?" shivers went down her spine.

"You never should have left her alone." it was almost as if she could hear the stranger speaking to her.

"Who are you? Where's Velanie?!" she typed as tears welled in her eyes.

"She's perfectly fine, for now. You should know who I am Emily, you've hated me for years." Emily stood astounded, could it really be... Velanie's father?


My eyes met Emily's as she ran into the cafeteria, tears streaming down her face, eyes wide, almost as if she'd seen a ghost, "What's wrong?" I stood immediately searching the crowded cafeteria for Velanie.

"Velanie's been kidnapped." Emily choked out.

"What? What do you mean?" confusion swept through me.

"Her dad has her."

"How do you know?" I hoped and prayed with all my might, that her father did not kidnap her.

"Read these." she handed over her phone, showing the texts between her and Velanie, or Velanie's phone at least. As I read the text it was like my whole world stopped, my Velanie... My angel.... My love... My life... That bastard was going to get what he deserved.

"Damn it!" I yelled punching the table, my fist burned with agonizing pain, but that didn't matter.

"Calm down. We'll go talk to Mrs. Street, she'll get the cops out, they'll find her and bring her back safely." Emily went to hug me but I backed away.

"No, they'll never find her, I have to get Velanie." as if on cue her phone buzzed, she opened the phone and read aloud.

"Get the cops involved and I'll kill her." I froze and looked around, how did he know? At that moment, the only people I trusted was Emily, Velanie's mother, and my siblings. I didn't trust anybody else.

"Exactly, no cops. Tell him no cops, I'm going for Velanie, alone." I said emphasizing on the last word.

"No! She is my best friend and I am going with!" Emily stomped her foot.

"No!" I yelled and ran out towards my car, Velanie chased me but I sped off without her, Velanie needed her and I couldn't put her in danger. I quickly texted Emliy though, I needed her to watch the kids. I stopped the car when I realized I had no idea where Velanie was... I decided to just head to her house, he probably left something there.

My assumptions were right, on the door of Velanie's room was a note, "My Darling Ex-Wife, Our daughter was always such a beauty don't you think? She's even more beautiful now, and I couldn't let that beauty go to such waste. She looks so much like you, it's unbelievable... What's sad is that.. I soon will have no use for her.. What shall I do with her?" I crumbled the paper in my hands, not one fucking clue. I paced around the house unsure of what to do, I glanced up when I heard the front door open.

"Brandon?" Velanie's mother asked walking into the house, her eyes widened when I looked at her, "What's wrong? Where's Velanie?" she asked frantically.

"Here." I said quietly and handed her the note from Velanie's door.

"No. No. No!" she cried and screamed, she punched the wall, she kicked, I pulled her back before she injured herself.

"We'll find her." I said hugging the woman, we didn't know each other much, but she was the mother of my angel.

"Call the cops." she whispered, I felt the tears she was silently crying go through my shirt.

"Going." I sighed and grabbed my phone dialing 911. Within minutest the cops arrived, they took the letter to test for fingerprints, searched the house for airs, footprints. What I didn't understand was that we knew who the kidnapper was, and they were still wasting time here.


Almost an hour passed when the trunk was opened, blinking at the bright light I noticed we were in a parking garage. My father pulled me out and threw clothes at me.

"Change into these." he glared at me.

"What if I don't." he answered me by slapping me.

"Do it." I watched him grab hold of the gun in his jacket pocket, I nodded my head and got in the car and changed.


I sat on the plane shaking, I was so petrified... We were heading to Italy, such a beautiful place, I had always wanted to visit, but not like this. Not with my father. Of course I put up a fight before we got on the plane, before we even entered the airport. I had kicked and tried screaming outside until he punched my stomach and just barely showed me his gun. Inside I tried to run but he grabbed my arm and acted like I just didn't want to go see my mother, apparently there was no amber alert out for me yet... I wanted Brandon... He made me feel safe..


I stepped off the plane and jerked away when my father tried to touch me, he kicked me quietly, I held back the yelp which formed in my mouth.

"Come, we will see all of Italy." my father acted as if this was a family trip.

"When will you let me go home?" I asked.

"Never." he simply stated, outside he hailed a taxi and we headed for apparently a house, seeing as he gave an address...

*3 months later*


So much time has passed, and not one clue to where my angel was, I was in so much depression, Emily was too, we were like zombies at school. My grades were slowly dropping, Emily was kicked off the dance team.. Alice, Velanie's mom, watched the kids for me, she now knew of our situation at home. She wasn't a zombie, but that was only because she was keeping herself busy. She acted like my siblings were her children, which didn't bother me, they needed to know what a real mother was like. When I got home I sulked in Velanie's room, which I now stayed in, her scent was so alluring, calling me, it was almost like she was really, truly there. The amber alert which was sent out for her a day after she disappeared was only in the U.S we had to wait a year before they sent it around the world, I really had no clue where she was.


Three months. 3 months. Three fucking months and the most the damn cops have done is searched in our state and sent an amber alert through-out the U.S. I felt like everyone was giving up on finding my best friend, even Brandon... I felt like a ghost, where was my best friend? When will she come home?

***So I ma extremely tired and I have to get up early and go to Oklahoma. I know you all probably want to shoot me right now, but I know what's gonna happen. Just wait, keep reading, don't stop or you'll regret it(: Comment, vote, like, Become a fan?(:♥***

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