Just Try It

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***So with the ideas running through my head right now, you guys are going to hate me at the end of this chapter…. Muahhaha! Comment, vote, like, become a fan♥***


It has been two weeks since Brandon gave me what I wanted, and it wasn’t too amazing, but it was what I needed, and it would work for me for a while. I had been feeling a little uneasy for the past week but I figured it was nothing, nothing important anyway.

Velanie has been the most annoying thing on this planet since that day, she sings in the shower, throws stupid comments here and there, and is just plain annoying. Emily just sleeps all day, and when she is awake she isn’t here, because she surprisingly enough, has her own family. Dillon has been around though, he is actually really handsome, and probably really good in bed…..

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the queasy feeling in my gut. I bolted to the bathroom and barely made it to the toilet, puking my guts up, luckily, Brandon didn’t know about this whole issue, he would probably think it was big deal anyway. At that moment Alice walked by and saw my head in the toilet, being the way too nice person she is, she held my hair up.

“Angelina dear, what’s wrong?” Alice asked, sounding like the caring mom I never had.

“Nothing, nothing. Just the stomach flu probably.” I stated, then throwing up more, there goes all my meals from today and yesterday… Great, anorexia here I come.


I heard sounds coming from the bathroom, wondering what it was I walked by, seeing my mother with Angelina. At that moment, I can’t explain what I felt, my mom, was treating Angelina like she was her daughter. My mom and I haven’t spoken much lately, the kids are out all day with her on her days off, and Brandon or Emily take them out when mom is at work. My mom and I used to be so close, so tight, nothing could break our bond, except the skag who broke me and my ex-boyfriend up.

At that moment, my heart broke, especially when my mother called her dear…. My own mom, didn’t know I existed, and here I sat in the background, like an old toy staring at the shiny new one being played with. Sighing, I walked away, towards the wonderful outdoors that always made me feel at ease.

The park was quiet and beautiful, not a cloud in the sky, and a boy sat on the swings, well… More like a man…. He looked to be a junior, deciding to be social today, I approached him.

“Hey.” I smiled at him, he was kind of cute.

“Hi, I’m Scott, you are?” he smiled brightly, he was really kind so far…

“Velanie, do you go to Riverdale High?” I asked, I’d never seen him before.

“No, I start there next week though. What grade are you?”

“I’m a junior, and you?”

“Same, so what’s it like?” it felt nice having someone new to talk to.

“It’s really nice, teachers are cool, but some are over the top with homework and stuff.” I groaned.

“Isn’t that every school?” he laughed, “I hope you don’t mind.” he stated, pulling a cigarette pack out from his pocket, along with a cool lighter.

“It’s fine, but if you don’t mind me asking, why do you smoke?” I asked, wondering if I was pushing buttons.

“I don’t mind, it just relieves my stress, it’s also something to do with my hands. My mom used to neglect me a lot, still does, but I could never drop the habit. Cigarettes are like my best friend that doesn’t exist.” his words were deep, and it sounded like we were almost going through the same thing, except his mother actually neglected him, mine just ignored me and was friends with the girl I fathomed, “So what are you doing here?” Scott’s voice startled me, and I jumped a little, he chuckled lightly, obviously trying to keep me from hearing him.

“Oh, I just came her to uh, relieve stress…” I wandered, watching him blow the smoke in an ‘o’ shape. It looked so cool… I wonder… No, I couldn’t do that, that’s not me.

“Oh, I came because it was finally quiet and it looked really pretty.. So what’s going on in your life right now that is stressful?” he asked, the cigarette in his hand looking even more tempting.

No Velanie! You’re much better than that!

Shut up, you are not involved in the decisions I make.

Actually, yes, I’m your conscious. So I have a say in what you do, not that you will always listen. You are the most stubborn person on this world.

What is that supposed to mean? And you are me so that didn’t make any sense!

Point taken and dully noted.

“Want a drag?” Scott asked, catching me glancing at the cigarette.

“Umm, I’ve never smoked one before….” I said awkwardly.

“Here, it’s simple.” Scott said, showing me how simple it is to smoke, slowly, I took the cigarette and looked at it…. Should I?


***TADA! :D Haha, so, you guys hate me right? Sorry….. But we don’t know if she did try it right? The suspense is killing me! Haha, not really because I know what will happen(: Comment, vote, become

a fan<3 Love ya guys!***

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