Chapter 26 - You do not have a stellar record

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Chapter 26 - You do not have a stellar record

"Nothing nice to be heard. To summarize, he had every intention to ruin my family business."

"What else did you find out about them?" Sean asked Rina, who looked surprised that he would speak to her.

"There are more workers hired, replacing some old workers that had left. There's some gossip from the old workers that Danny was no longer the owner of the restaurant and his partner took over the entire business. They do not know who the partner is."

"We need to know who it is, I'm sure it's Gio," Ashton scoffed. "Only he would be this despicable to us."

"What are we going to do?" Mrs. Summer asked, looking worried.

"Don't worry, I will handle it. Advin, I have checked your salary list and it's alright to tell your workers that their salary would increase starting this month. Try to act normal and go with your usual routine," Sean said, looking calm and totally in control.

"Don't worry, that's what Ashley had promised everyone," Mr. Summer said.

"How much will you be lending us?" Ashley suddenly asked.

Everyone had thought she would continue refusing Sean's help, hence her question surprised them. But what they did not know was she had early on asked the bank for a loan and just gotten a reply from them.

The bank did not agree to loan them the amount she asked for and Sean's offer was indeed too good to reject.

"Minimum two million. I can increase the amount if needed."

"That's too much." Mrs. Summer felt a little faint. It was not that their family did not have that amount of money before, but to receive it all in one go, she feels a little afraid.

"If you are worried about paying back, don't worry. With my investment and planning, your restaurant will pick up business and earn back in time. I don't take back my word in allowing a twenty years' period to pay me back."

"As long as our restaurant is still standing, repaying two million isn't difficult," Mr. Summer voiced his assurance.

"We can do it. Just prepare the contract so we can formally agree with it," Ashley said.

"I will prepare it," said Kyle, who was Sean's secretary.

Sean broke out a smile. "Betty, can you possibly try to ask the customers for feedback on the restaurant's food and services? At the same time try to turn them into returning customers, and if possible bring their friends along. But no matter what you say to them, you must not badmouth the opposite restaurant. Kyle will help you to come up with more ideas to attract more customers."

"Flyers, boss?" Kyle asked.

"Yes. And discuss with Advin and Ashton about some affordable set meals only for certain hours. People with a low budget would love it. Get some ideas for easy takeaway too for set meals and you can charge a fee for the packaging."

"Roger that, boss." Kyle grinned wickedly.

"Before that, hire a car and go to the airport in the next hour. I have requested some helpers. Rina, that's your name, right?" Rina nodded and Sean continued, "How did you manage to find that information? Are they trustworthy?"

Rina smiled, looking proud. "It's Miss Summer that thought of this idea. We implant a spy in their restaurant. They are looking for new workers, and it's a perfect opportunity. Miss Summer asked my cousin brother to spy on them."

"You do know there is a possibility that he would be fished out, right?" Sean asked Ashley.

"I did know that, but I had to risk it or we will remain in the dark. And he could defend himself if Gio caught him," Ashley said defensively.

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