Chapter 40 - Earning money to pay you back

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Chapter 40 - Earning money to pay you back

"What do you mean by we have the proof that Gio and Samuel set our restaurant on fire?" Ashley asked when Sean asked them to gather for a meeting one afternoon.

"I had asked the police to help investigate the fire. They found evidence that the stove was turned on, with signs of oil poured. The gas tank was also close to the stove and it caused the explosion to be bigger. Advin said the gas tank is not supposed to be at that spot."

"While it proves that this incident is man-made, how will that lead to those bastards? With the fire burning everything, there won't be evidence," Ashton asked and for once Mrs. Summer did not scold her son for saying foul words. Betty Summer must be very angry with them.

Sean pulled out his mobile phone, pressed a few buttons before placing it on the table. "Listen."

"That is our conversation before the fire!" Ashley exclaimed in joy when she heard it. "You are recording it from the start?"

"I hope they will confess something," Sean grinned. He was too used to his father's taste when it comes to threatening people.

Ashton snapped his fingers. "We can use this as evidence! They did admit setting fire to the restaurant when they did not deny Sean's accusation."

"But will that be enough?" Kyle asked worriedly then winced when Ashley's scream filled the room.

Ashley blushed in embarrassment when all eyes went to her. "Hey, I was shocked when I saw the explosion!"

Sean turned the recording off after it finished playing. "There is another proof, but not in our hands yet."

"What do you mean?" Mr. Summer asked.

"As we guessed, Gio did plant a spy. From your worker's words, there was someone that had left the place not long before the explosion, which I guessed might be the spy. I suspect that person is also the one that set the fire."

Ashton's eyes widened. "Who is it?"

"Kelly, isn't it?" Dad asked grumpily. "I did a headcount after the fire and found her missing. I want to believe she had left earlier with a good excuse but others never heard anything from her about going back early."

"It's her," Sean confirmed.

"Kelly..." Mrs. Summer sighed. "I heard she needs money for her sick mother."

"I picked her up and let her work for me for three years. I should have helped her," Mr. Summer said regretfully.

"No, dad. Even if she needs money, she should never have done this. If she was really desperate, she could have asked to borrow money from us but she didn't. What if someone had died from that explosion? We got no warning from it and it was only thanks to our fast response that we escaped in time. So don't pity her," Ashton said angrily.

Kyle agreed. "We need to find her."

"I left it to Jean and Mason's hands to get her back, with a time limit, of course," Sean said darkly. "Gio and Samuel should know about us rebuilding the restaurant. They might interfere again."

"What we can do now is wait?"

"Yes, and keep an eye on everything. We don't want to get attacked again."

"I've asked all my workers to bring something lethal everywhere they go," Mr. Summer said.

"But does this help to stop Gio from harassing us?" Ashley asked worriedly.

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