Chapter 38 - That asshole judge?

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Chapter 38 - That asshole judge?

One does not lie that an honest person does not have much to fear.

It was proven when she does not feel fear or worry at the thought of meeting Samuel Donovan again tonight. Sean planning to be there with her was also a contributing factor.

Throughout the day, she worked with ease, as if the heavy rock resting on her back was finally lifted from her shoulders. Even Rina could see she was in a good mood.

Tonight's meeting place was the same as the first invitation, 'The Lodge'. Was this place actually Mr. Donovan's favourite place to do his dealings?

Sean had offered to drive her car, thinking she was nervous. But since she had been to 'The Lodge' before, she rejected it on the basis of knowing the way, even if she really wanted to accept his offer.

Samuel was already waiting for them in a private room and it was actually much nicer than the one she was invited to before. Tsk, this guy only chooses such a room for his son.

She was no longer roasting about Samuel's room picking when she saw there was another person inside the room with Samuel.

"Gio!" Ashley gasped in shock. Why was he here with Samuel?!

Gio, holding a glass of wine, smirked at her while his eyes showed cruelty that evoked unpleasant memories from her. Why does she think that he looked more dangerous than before? She shivered from the sudden low temperature and no longer dared to meet Gio's gaze again.

As if sensing her distress, Sean brings Ashley closer to him by wrapping an arm around her waist in a rather possessive manner. Noticing it, Gio glared at Sean, as his hold on his glass tightened.

"Another guy? Which slump did you find him in?" Gio sneered at Ashley, who regained her confidence from Sean's action.

Ashley does not believe Gio does not know Sean, when he was working with Samuel Donovan. But she still played along. "You forgot? He's the one that tore apart your so-called 'achievement' and spread your plagiarism right in front of the camera."

Only then did Gio recognize who Sean was. "That asshole judge?"

"Father," Sean said, successfully pissed off Gio further when he ignored him. "If all you want is the two million, I will gladly hand it over."

"Son. I only remember that your mistress took my two million, not you."

"Be careful of what you say father," Sean warned. "That's your daughter-in-law and I never cheat while in a relationship."

"Jean is the only daughter-in-law that I will recognize."

"Sorry to disappoint you father, but we are undergoing divorce procedures," Sean apologized with thick sarcasm, clearly insincere. "Then I will marry Ashley again, no matter what you say. I don't care if you cut off your heritance from me, because I am successful without your help. I have proven that already."

Samuel Donovan considered his company as a family business that his son would inherit when he retired. But Sean had secretly joined the culinary industry behind his father's after siding with his mother when she fought with his father.

"That means you are backing out of our deal," Samuel said towards Ashley rather calmly after his initial outburst, and somehow she felt something was wrong.

"Isn't that obvious?" Sean answered for Ashley.

"Then don't blame me for that to happen," Samuel said with a self-satisfaction smirk.

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