Chapter 1: Leaving

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"The present is called the present because it's a gift that should be enjoyed".

Ash sighed as he woke up. It was silent in the house as Ash got ready for the day. He left his room with his trusted partner, Pikachu. When Ash got down stairs there was a note on the table like usual, but this time there was not food. This is how it's been for a while now Ash would wake up and
go down stairs to find food on the table and a note, but his mother was never see. She'd be gone all day only coming back late in the afternoon just before night and she'd go straight to sleep. Ash picked up the note and read it.

I am leaving. I can't deal with it anymore. The way you act with Pokémon is just so different to other. You act like there you're family. I'm done with the whispers of the other towns people, of how you talk to Pokémon like they know you.

You also seem to know way to much about them even ones you've never seen before.

I've left you here on your own. Your on your own now in this life.


Ash sighed as he put the note down. Pikachu rubbed his cheeks against Ash's trying to make him feel better. "Looks like there's no reason to stay anymore bud. Let's get everyone together and leave. There's not point staying here" Ash said to his partner as he agin made his way up stairs to pack his backpack. Once he had everything he needed he walked out the door and locked it behind him. He closed the door on that part of his life, opening a new one with new possibilities awaiting him.

Ash and pikachu made there way to professor Oaks lab. He was going to tell Oak he was leaving and try to take his Pokémon with him. As they walked the Pokémon nearby looked at him and greeted him. When they arrived Ash knocked on the door to the lab and waited patiently for Oak to another door. He didn't have to wait long till they heard a all to familiar voice all 'coming just a minute'. Soon after hearing that the door opened revealing Professor Oak. "Ah, Ash it's good to see you. How can I help you?" The Professor greeted Ash. "It's good to see you too Professor" Ash started. "And can we talk in side?" Ash asked looking behind Oak. "Sure" the Professor said moving aside to let Ash and Pikachu in.

Once they where in side Ash turned serious as he looked at the old Professor. "Delia left" Ash said getting straight to the point caching Oak of guard. "W-what?" Oak asked wanting to believe what Ash said way wrong. Wanting to believe that Delia didn't abandon such a lovely smart boy. "She left me" Ash spoke again. Oak sighed and rubbed his temples. "So what do you want to do now?" The Professor questioned Ash. Ash looked out the window before he spoke up again. "I want to leave with all my Pokémon if possible. I don't have friends anymore and there's not much here that I care about" Ash said looking back at Oak.

Oak couldn't say he was surprised. He had a feeling this was coming. He knew Ash would want to leave. He only thing keeping Ash here when he lost his friends was his mother but know that she's left he doesn't see the point. Because of this Oak has been working on something just for Ash. As a parting gift. It was a watch like Pokédex that aloud one to carry all of there Pokémon. "I had a feeling this would happen" the Professor said as he began looking for something. Once it looked like he found what he was looking for the turned back to Ash. "This is a watch like Pokédex that allows you to carry all of your Pokémon, I call it the watch-dex" Oak said handing Ash the watch. It was back and blue which went with the Colours Ash wears. "Thank you, Professor" Ash thanked taking the watch from him. "I've already set it up for you so your hood to go once you've got your Pokémon" Oak told Ash. Ash nodded. "Ok thanks well I'll be going then, Professor. Thank you" with that Ash left to get his Pokémon. He climbed on Charizard and they left. Flying high into the sky. Ash didn't have a particular place in mind. He just let Charizard take him somewhere. Trusting the giant dragon like Pokémon. He just watched the ground below them, feeling more free than he has for awhile. The wind blowing through his hair hitting him in the face and even though because of the speed Charizard was flying at it should be hurt it didn't it just made him feel more free as he was carried through the sky over the land below him.

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