Chapter 3: A god scared

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"Let it all go.
See what stays"

Ash shot up. He instantly began to cry. He watched as his student, Lucario died just like he did in the tree of life. And he didn't even know. He couldn't even confront Lucario in his moments. He couldn't tell Lucario that he forgave him for not believing in him. Ash cried harder as he remembered he trapped Lucario into his staff for nearly a hundred years. Ash stood up in anger and stormed out of the cave the snow storm had stopped just before he woke up. Worried about there trainer Pikachu, Greninja and Charizard followed. Ash marched to the edge of the cliff near by and yelled of the top of his lugs while still crying "ARCEUS!" it was filled with anger. Ash was angry at the god Pokémon and he didn't care that Arceus was the god of all Pokémon. The god Pokémon heard his name being yelled looked at who yelled his name. He found and anger. No furious Ash. The anger and hatred that was rolling of Ash made even the god Pokémon scared more like terrified for his life.

Acceus appeared before Ash not wanting to anger his chosen one more. "WHY?!" Ash yelled at the god Pokémon tears still streaming down his face not slowing down they just kept coming as he looked at the god Pokémon that stood, floated in front of him. When Arceus didn't respond he carried on. "Why! Why me?! I was happy. I died happy that I saved my kingdom. I was content with the way I died. Why recanted me?! Why now?! I was in the afterlife for nearly a hundred years and you disturbed my rest and sent me back" Ash stoped of a second breathing heavily as he tried to catch his breath after all that shouting in anguish. Ash's Pokémon looked at him in confusion and sadness as they saw his condition he sounded and looked in so much pain.

"I had to watch Lucario die. He died in front of me and suffered the same fate as me?! I couldn't even comfort him in his seconds on earth. Or tell him I forgave him and he didn't have to worry about it?! I trapped him into my staff for so long?! He was ok with dying because he thought he'd see me but no I'm here, because of you. So I'll asked again why am I here!" Ash glared daggers at Arceus. "You where needed chosen one" Arceus began being soft with his words trying to cram the raging storm in front of him, that storm being Ash. "The world needed you again. You where need to fix the balance in the world yet again. The price you paid las-" Arceus was cut of before he could finish by Ash. "It was my life and I was fine with that. But Lucario..." Ash trialed off thinking of Lucario. That's when I clicked with Pikachu. Ash was the recantation of Sir Aaron and he was talking about Lucario...

"Yes it was and I want to give you a gift that I hope will make you feel better" Arceus said calmly. "What is this gift Arceus?" Ash questioned the god Pokémon. "Lucario. I'll bring him back to life for you" the god Pokémon said. It was the lest he could do for what Ash as been through as both Sir Aaron and Ash and for what he did. He watched as Ash's faced lit up. "R-really?!" Ash shouted with hope. Arceus nodded and with that a light begin to grow in front of them. It grew and grew and grew till it just disappeared. Ash again instantly became sad thinking it didn't work. Thing that even the god Pokémon could not bring back his Lucario. "Calm chosen one. He'll be where he was" he didn't get to say anymore as Ash jumped on Charizard and said a quick hello and welcome back to Greninja before returning Greninja and with Pikachu on his shoulder he took of on Charizard heading in the direction of Rota.

"Good luck chosen one. I hope you enjoy you gift. The future for you is unclear even for me. But I know you will do great things" With at said by Arceus he left in a flash like he was never there and reappear in the hall of origins. 'Safe at last he' thought but he would never admit it. Some of the mythical and legendary Pokémon there laughed at the gods behaviour much to his embarrassment. "Mew you should go meet the chosen one at the tree of life" Arceus said hiding his embarrassment. Mew nodded "ok. I will" with that Mew disappeared from the hall of origins. Some of the other Pokémon that remain laughed at the god and said "you where so scared of him" which Arceus couldn't argue with. It was true the was terrified. He though Ash was going to find a way to kill him and he's pretty sure Ash would have if he didn't bring Lucario back.

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