Chapter 8: To Kalos

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Quote: "Love yourself first everything else will fall into place".

Ilene coughed into her hand affectedly getting everyone in the rooms attention. "So why are you two her?" She asked looking at Lance and Steve. Lance and Steve looked at each then looked at Ash. This is all Ash needed to see. They needed him for something. Ash let a tired sigh escape his mouth. "What do you needed? And how did you know I was here?" Ash asked in a somewhat tiered tone. The Queen looked at Ash then back to Lance and Steve, she too wanted to know that.

"Well we had people looking for Ash-" Lance was cut of by a growl. Lucario glowed when Lance said Ash because he knows it make Ash uncomfortable. "Aaron" Lance correct himself before continuing "we here informed that Aaron was seen making his way to Rota. So we came to ask, you Queen Ilene if you have saw him" Lance told them looking from Ash to Ilene. "I see carry on" Ilene told the to carry on after processing the information give. "We came to ask for Aaron's help" Lance said being cut of by Steve who continue for him. "You see Aaron the vins that your Greninja was getting rid off have returned, with much more power" Steve said pausing to let that information set in. But then continued "we where hoping you'd help get rid of them again?" Steve asked looking at Ash in hope and desperation. It was clear to Ash at that moment that they desperately needed his help. "Alright just let me pack. I won't be long" Ash said making his way to the doors again. "Master?" Lucario questioned confused on what was being said. "We'll be picking something up from there, Lucario. Something we thought the world wasn't ready for at that time" Ash told Lucario cryptically. Lucario just nodded knowing what Ash meant but left the other occupants of the throne room confused.

Ash went to his room with Lucario not far behind him and being packing. Ash put some spear clothes into a bag along with some of his notebooks. Once he finished packing with the help of Lucario. Ash and Lucario headed back to the throne room. With Ash's back hanging on his shoulder.

"Master let me carry it for you"Lucario said to Ash as Ash punched the doors to the throne room open again entering. They closed behind them. "I already told you Lucario. I can carry it, it's alright" Ash told Lucario. Queen Ilene found it quite amusing watching how Ash and Lucario interacted. Ash let his guard down when he looked to Lance and Steve. "Ok I'm ready when you both are" Ash said but felt less weight. Lucario had took the bag while he was talking. "Lucario I can carry it" Ash said looking back to Lucario. Lance and Steve watched in a amazement with how the two interacted. "I know you can but I'll carry it for now" Lucario said. Ash sighed in defeat. Letting Lucario carry his bag.
"Are we ready to leave?" Ash asked. When he received two sets of nods, he turned round and left the throne room, not before bowing to the Queen and saying goodbye.

After they left the castle they got in a car and began making there way to the airport. "So Aaron..." Steve began getting Ash's attention. Ash made a sound of acknowledgement. "Seems you've lived two lives and have more knowledge on this world than us, what go you think will happen? Will we be able to get rid of the vins for good?" Steve asked looking at Ash. Ash who was looking out the window, turned to look at Steve. "I won't know till I see it for myself" Ash told him. "I see. Well we won't be there till tomorrow" Lance said joining in on the conversation. "Do you have your Greninja? There haven't been any sightings of him" Lance asked. "Yes, I do. He came back to be the day before I arrived in Rota" Ash told them. Lance and Steve nodded then looked at each, then returned there sights to Ash. "It must have started after your Greninja left" Lance said. "Maybe" Ash replied turning his eyes back to the nature outside the car window.

Just as they where going to board the plane Lucario spoke up. "Master?! What is that thing?!" Lucario shouted panicked. "Where not getting on that thing are we?" Lucario slightly more calmer. "That is a plane and yes we're getting on it, Lucario" Ash replied as he got on. Lance and Steve where already on the plane talking to the pilot. With some slight hesitation Lucario followed Ash onto the plane.

The plane ride was mostly silent, only the odd quite conversation between Lance and Steve. They didn't involve Ash in the conversation, seeming to talk about something that Ash had no place in as of now. Ash and his Lucario where too busy looking out the window. Watching the sky change colure from blue, to a
red-ed orange and finally to black that was filled with stars. Pikachu was sleeping the whole time. Soon not long aster the sun went away and the moon came out to play did Ash and his Lucario fall asleep. Lucario head resting on one of Ash's shoulders.

They slept the reminder of the flight. Only waking up when the pilot announced that they have landed. With that they had finally arrived in Kalos. The beginning of yet again a wonderful journey. Filled with adventure, old acquaintances and Mystery. And Ash was ready for what ever the world wanted to throw at him. He'd take it all if it keeps other safe. Even though the path in front of Ash seems unclear, he'll walk it....for the sake of the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2022 ⏰

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