Chapter 5: Sir Aaron is back

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"Life is like a piano the white keys represent happiness and the black shows sadness. But as you go through life's journey, remember that the black keys are also music"

It took them a few hours till the reached the town area of Rota. As they walked through they where reserving some looks. A teen that looks so similar to Sir Aaron accompanied by a Lucario will do that in Rota. They ignore the looks as they continue there walk to the castle. That was till a little boy ran up to them. "Sir Aaron!" The boy yelled as he ran up to them. Ash stoped the boy stood in front of him and looked to be the age of 6. "Your so cool. You saved the kingdom. When I grow up I want to be just like you!" The shouted gaining even more looks from passer-byes but it also made Ash smile. Ash crouched down and looked to be kneeling in front of the boy as he spoke "hero's come in all different shapes and sizes. Anyone can be a hero. You could already be one. Hero's aren't hero's because they want rewards they are hero's because they want to save others" Ash once finished stood up and began to walk again. As they walked Ash heard the boy yell "thank you!"

Ash, Lucario and Pikachu continue to make there way to there way to the castle of Rota. They soon arrived at the gates of the Rota castle the guards stationed there said "holt State you business" one of the guards told Ash. "I'm here to see the Queen" Ash spoke with some authority. "Who do you think you are to think you can see the Queen?!" The same guard yelled. Lucario yet out a low growl. He didn't like how the guard was speaking to Ash, his Master. Ash put his hand out in front of Lucario as a sign for him to clam himself. Which luckily for the guard Lucario did calm himself. The other guard whose been quite the whole time has been looking at Ash. "You look like Sir Aaron" the guard finally spoke up. Ash just sighed he went getting anywhere like this. "Master wishes to see the Queen please let use through" Lucario spoke catching both guards of guard. The only Lucario that has been recorded in the history to speak has been Aaron's Lucario that died and that Lucario would not call anyone else master because of how loyal he was. Now here in front of them is a teen that looks like a carbon copy with a Lucario that can talk and calls him master. They both look at each other and nod. "Fine we'll take you to seen the Queen but know that if you do anything then we'll take action" one of the guards warned. Ash's nodded and say "that's fine. Thank you" with that the two guards led Ash into the castle of Rota to see the Queen.

They walked through the empty halls of the castle. They where only filled with paintings and the odd worker. It was much quite in the castle since Ash was last here, but then again last time he was here there was a celebration happening. The aura Guardian celebration that celebrated his sacrifice for the kingdom. The castle hasn't change much over the years of him being dead. There was just some new areas added onto the old parts. Ash was happy that the history of the castle was still here. That his history was still here if he remembered correctly. Once the arrived at a set of double doors one of the guards knocked on the door asking for entry. "Come in" came the Queens voice from inside. The guards pushed the doors open as they all walked in. The guards didn't leave Ash side wanting to make sure if he had any bad intentions that there Queen would not be harmed.

There in sitting in the throne  was Queen Ilene. She looked so much like the Queen he served. He guest that what happens when your a decedent of the Queen he knew. Old habits die hard. Ash once close enough to the throne kneeled down and said "my Queen" the same could be said for Lucario as the both kneeled in front of the Queen side by side. This action caught the two guards and the Queen of guard. Before the Queen spoke she look at the teen in front of her. That's when she realised that it was Ash. "A-ash?" The Queen, Ilene asked confused as to one why Ash was here, two why he was being so formal and three the Lucario beside him. The seen in front of her looked like one of the paintings of Sir Aaron and his Lucario kneeling in front of the Queen from that time. The only differences was that Ash was dressed differently and had Pikachu on his shoulder. She nearly missed the way Ash stiffened when she called him Ash. Like he was uncomfortable being called Ash. He did, unknown to her yet, live longer as Aaron so he was more use to being called Aaron or Sir Aaron as he's more commonly known as.

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