Chapter 4: Back together

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"You need to let people go.
Everyone who in your life are meant to be in your journey, but not all of them are meant to stay till the end"

Ash soon arrived at the tree of beginning. He jumped off of Charizard and returned him the he began his run to Lucario. This time he didn't take in the beautiful sight of the tree. He just ran with Pikachu on his shoulder who was a bit confused about what was happening. He got some of what was going on but still was a bit confused. Ash ran and ran. Avoiding the reg Pokémon. Not wanting to fight. He ran and ran never slowing down. He began to breathe harder as he got closer. Closer and closer to seeing his trusted Pokémon agin. The first thing Ash was going to do was say sorry. Ask for forgiveness for what he's done. For leaving Lucario alone in that staff for so long. Sorry for giving Lucario a reason to doubt him.

With out a second though Ash jumped on one of those green orbs that carried him up the tree. He entered where he and Lucario died. He slowed to a walk as he hesitate for a second. 'What if he didn't want to see him?'  Was one of Ash's many thoughts that shot through his mind. Pikachu tried to reassure Ash by letting out a quite coo. It seemed to help as Ash took another step into the room. Getting closer. There in front of him was Lucario. Ash stumbled forward one of his hands outstretched wanting to reach out to Lucario. But just fell short.

Lucario was out of the crystal substance but still looked to be unconscious. "L-Lucario?" Ash said unsure. This seemed to wake Lucario. "Ash?" Lucario questioned as he opened his eyes to see Ash in front of him. 'What happened? How am I here I died' Lucario thought to himself confused. "L-Lucario I'm so sorry for what I did" Ash cried kneeling in front of Lucario. "I was your teacher. I was meant to be there for you!" Ash continued. "I gave you reason to doubt me. I trapped you in my staff for so so long. If I went brought back then you would possibly still be in there" Ash continued to cry as he begged for forgiveness for his actions from Lucario. For leaving him alone for so long. That when Lucario realised. Ash was Sir Aaron. "M-master?" Lucario asked confused. If it was true then that would explain why no matter how hard the looked for Sir Aaron he was not in the afterlife. It was because he was back on earth recanted. Ash just nodded not trusting his voice.

"Master!?" Lucario shouted as he threw himself at ash hugging him tightly like he would disappear at any moment. Ash return the hug back just as tight neither of them wanting to let go. They stayed like that for a while as they cried. They where finally united. Ash continue to repeat the word sorry. "It's ok Master" Lucario confronted Ash as he continued to cry after Lucario stoped. Ash soon stoped and pulled away from the hug as he whipped his eyes. They both stood up and smiled, happy there where together again. "When did you remember Master?" Lucario asked. Ash explained to Lucario how he remembered after using his aura to make an aura sphere. Then about how he got there.

"What's next then Master?" Lucario questioned his master as they look over the forest below them from the tree of beginning. "I don't know yet" Ash stoke then went quite for awhile before speaking up again. "I do miss my staff and my other belongings from the castle" Ash said as the looked favour in the distance to see the castle of Rota, where the both lived for most of there life's. "We should go there Master and see the Queen I'm sure she'll be more than happy to give you your belongings back" Lucario said with happiness for the first time in awhile. Ash sighed "maybe but would she believe me" Ash said a bit saddened. "What would I say hey I'm actually Sir Aaron recanted and I remember all of my past life" Ash spoke a bit sarcastic. "Well maybe not leaded with that Master" Lucario said happy to see Ash acting more like Aaron like it was just second nature to him. Will it would be hard to keep acting like Ash considering he lived as Aaron longer than Ash and Ash was just him again when he was younger before he used his aura by accident.
Ash sighed yet again and spoke "the sun will be rising again soon so we'll begin to make are way" Ash then begin to walk away and make his descent down the tree of beginning with Lucario by his side.

As they made there way through the forest in comfortably silence Lucario broke that by speaking. "Master?" Lucario said getting Ash's attention. "Yes?" Ash replied wanting Lucario to continue. "Shouldn't you catch me in one of those red and white things so now else can catch me?" Lucario questioned. Ash nodded with a slight laugh "yes that would be a good idea and there called Poké balls" Ash corrected. "You don't have to stay in there though you've been locked in enough things" Ash spoke as he pulled out a Poké ball. Lucario nodded also agreeing as he remembered how long he was stuck in the staff but he happily taped the Poké ball that didn't even shake it just clicked and Lucario was caught by Ash. Ash intently let Lucario out. "Yes I do not like that" Lucario said as soon as he materialised in front of Ash. They yet again began there journey though the forest on there way to the kingdom of Rota to see the Queen.

Nothing could separate them again that was a silent promise that they both made as the continued there journey.

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