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The praise was quickly cut short due to a phone call Light and L received

Ah, I almost forgot. Lights' father had a heart attack

" father, he had a heart attack" Light announced

You weren't surprised, but you needed to act like you were.

"Oh my! Let's go to the hospital right away. " You stand up and walk out of the cafe, hoping L doesn't back down from his promise to pay for the meal.

You quickly change back to your concerned act, trying to divert the attention while quickly walking outside to enter the car L had Watari prepare.

You needed to comfort him, or else it would seem suspicious how you weren't reacting. Sure, you showed concern, but that wasn't enough to prove yourself to be caring in their eyes.

You and Light sat in the back seat, while L was in the front, observing both of your behaviors.

You put a hand on Lights' shoulder, patting his shoulder like you would pat a dog's head.

"I'm sure your father is going to be fine; he would have been announced dead on the spot if it was the work of Kira," you say, trying to seem less suspicious.

Besides, Light already knows that he didn't cause this.

L's thoughts: It's amazing that she was able to catch a detail like that under such circumstances. I have to admit, I didn't even think of that.

Light looked up at you with watery eyes.

Uhm, dramatic much? Tone it down a little buddy... ignoring his Oscar-worthy performance, he didn't act like this originally.

It suddenly dawned on you.

Is he crying to make me feel sympathy for him?

You knew that your presence in this world would cause some changes, but nothing that would make characters act out of...character.

You hold in a laugh. This was too funny.

Hold on, I can't laugh yet.

Light moves away.

You let out a sigh, rolling your eyes.

I can't believe I'm going to do this

"Hey, Light, I just said your dad was going to be okay," you say, reluctantly hugging him.

I didn't even need to hug him, I just need to get L off my ass. For the time being, L needs to think of me as a kind person.

You couldn't help but take in the cologne he was wearing.

This smells nice! It's like... minty mixed with a forest. How did I not notice this scent before?

The scent was very alluring; you didn't know that a scent could do such a thing. It was nostalgic and felt very welcoming.

Light was a little shocked at how long you were hugging him. He didn't mind, though.

You didn't realize how your actions would be taken the wrong way.

"Please refrain from romantic acts; we're all in the car." L announced

You pushed Light away, and regained your senses.

"Sorry if I made you uncomfortable by comforting a friend who is going through a tough situation," you say, annoyed but grateful.

You looked at Light, who looked upset at the interruption.

"Sorry if I made you uncomfortable. You just smelt really nice. What cologne do you use?" You asked, genuinely curious.

"That's why you hugged me for so long?" Light asked, seemingly disappointed.

"Uhm-" you look around guiltily.

"Oh look! We're here! " You make an abrupt announcement, opening the car door and leaping out.

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