Y/n Is Now A Model 💃

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Light, Misa, and you all arrived at the room L had directed you to.

L walked in with handcuffs in hand. He notices your smirk as you look at the handcuffs.

You were about to open your mouth to speak, but L shook his head. He already guessed that you were about to make an "unnecessary" comment on them.

L approaches Light and chains his hand with his own using the handcuff.

"Are these necessary, Ryuzaki?" Light asked while looking at the handcuffs.

"This is as difficult for me as it is for you." L sighs

"Is this what you meant by being together 24 hours a day with him? Looking at you, I never would have guessed... Are you on that side of the fence, Ryuzaki? " Misa asked.

"What if he was? What if Light and Ryuzaki became a couple? How would you react?" you asked Misa, awaiting a reaction.

You ignored the glares being sent to you by Light and L

"Ah! Don't say that! " Misa shakes her head frantically.

"I'm just asking because I'd like to know. Please answer the question "you asked in a polite tone.

"I'd die!" Misa shouted

"No, you would accept it and find a better man!" You encouraged Misa.

"You can still appreciate Light from afar, but wouldn't you be happy if he's happy?" You asked Misa

"Well-" Misa was about to try to argue.

"Anyways, that's just some food for thought. Keep in mind what YOU want, not what everyone around you, like Light, wants." You look at Misa meaningfully.

"Going back to the question Misa asked, care to answer? Are you on that side of the fence, Ryuzaki? " You ask with a smirk.

"I already told you, I'm not doing this because I want to," L responds.

"Light belongs to me! I don't want to share him with you! If you're with him 24/7, then how are we supposed to go on a date together?" Misa questioned L.

I guess she still didn't listen

"You can still go on dates, it will just be the four of us," L mumbled.

"Are you telling me we have to kiss in front of you and stuff?" Misa asked in disbelief

"I'm not telling you to do anything, but yes, I suppose I would be watching." L responded

"Ew, gross! You really are a pervert, aren't you? " Misa complained

"Light, please make Misa stop talking now," L said in a monotone voice.

"Listen Misa, that's enough. The police have already established that it was you who sent those tapes. You're lucky to be here right now. " Light told Misa firmly

"How can you even say that, Light! In case you've forgotten... I'm your girlfriend! Don't you trust your own soulmate? " Misa asked sadly.

"Uh what do you mean, soulmate?"

Light told Misa, "You're the one who said you fell in love with me at first sight."


"So why would you kiss me if you didn't have feelings for me? You took advantage of me? " Misa's eyes started to water.

"About this love at first sight, it happened at Aoyama on May 22, right?" L interrogated Misa.

Misa's eyes stopped watering

"So what?" Misa asked with an attitude

"Why did you choose that day to go to Aoyama, and do you remember what you wore ?" L inquired more forcefully.

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