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This is not just a Misa x reader. I feel like it's more realistic to have Misa slowly realize that her feelings for you are more than just a friend. The others will get their part as well

It was later in the day when L was assisting Misa with her acting performance. Both you and Light were seated to the side, watching.

I hope Rem doesn't get the paper to touch Misa.

As you were blanking out, Light spoke.

"You keep staring at me," Light pointed out in a joking way.

Shoot, I didn't realize

"I was lost in thought," you sigh.

"N/n! Can you please help me? Ryuzaki doesn't like my performance. " Misa asked

"Sure", you nod while you go to assist Misa As you were giving her tips, you spoke so only she would hear.

"Misa, since you have been working so hard, you may hallucinate. I read somewhere that you shouldn't interact with hallucinations. Just another tip, "you smile at her. It appeared as a friendly tip, but it was a precaution.

"I'll be fine!" Misa tells you

It's better to be safe than sorry.. if Rem appears, I can just hope she follows this advice

"N/n, will you come with me to the audition?" Misa asked with a hopeful smile.

This was heard by L and Light, while they both exchanged a glance.

You were about to respond until you got another task. You curse under your breath.

Task: Go with Misa Amane to the audition and prevent the meetup between Rem and Misa.

Reward: Death Note

Punishment: You will lose all of your memories.

Should I even be allowed to have a death note? Isn't that too OP?

You were waiting for an opportunity to use your phone to send a message to the number you frequently text now, but you needed to finish the conversation.

"I don't think N/n should go. Remember how bad of an experience it was last time?" Light said

"I agree, this time they only asked for Misa" L agreed.

Favoritism at its finest 

 "We don't want you to cause more problems, you were in danger last time" Light added.

"That was rude, I didn't even start the problem" You roll your eyes

"Look at it this way, I'm sure they wouldn't mind having one more member, right? Also, Mochi won't be able to be besides Misa the whole time. Since I seem like a defenseless girl I'm sure they would put their guard down" You added on, hoping to convince them

"You both should know that I'm capable of protecting both me and Misa," you smile.

They both hesitantly agreed. After realizing that it would be beneficial. They also knew you wouldn't back down.

"Okay, be safe," Light told both of you.

It's nice to see him being nice to Misa. I still have to intervene between the two though.

Time skip to going to the audition

"Sorry to keep you waiting! Good morning! I'm Misa-Misa and N/n's manager, Mochi! Nice to meet you "

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