Chapter 15

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*Kanika Pov*

I stared at the empty inbox before composing yet another email including the answers I found during today's class for the doubts I expressed in my previous email but added new doubts.

And ended it by adding I wish there is a reply as all I want is to learn from the best to reach closer to my dream.

After sending it, I closed the system thinking I am lying way too much than I thought I would. I sighed checking my phone and as usual, Anitha didn't check any messages or respond to any of my calls.

It's already been a month since she stopped talking and I think it is better to get a passport and then a visa to find her and have a chat with her directly than to wait for her to calm down.

I glanced at the time and stood up to prepare some dinner as I couldn't eat much for lunch today because of the recent assignment which is troubling me a bit.

Locking my study room, I climbed down the stairs and found him sitting on the couch while watching the television.

"Going to drink water and eat bread for dinner or shall I prepare for you too?" I asked walking towards the kitchen as I do sometimes whenever I miss talking to Anitha and having dinner with her.

"No need!" he replied as usual and after that day when he had breakfast along with me, he rejected the few times I offered.

Maybe he didn't like my style of cooking and it's totally fine as I like my style of cooking and that's enough.

"This Sunday I going to invite my family for dinner." I paused hearing those words and turned to stare at him while he is calmly watching without any worry.

"I will order the catering service but you need to act as a host to make sure nothing goes wrong." He added and finally glanced at me when I didn't make any sound.

"Problem?" he asked frowning as I continued to stay silent.

I somehow survived a month without meeting his family as I actually thought he will make such a plan within a week but somehow he never brought it up and I too kept quiet to get as much time as possible.

"Why now?" I asked generally even though not expecting any answer from him.

"I think a month is enough for everyone to calm down." He replied and I realized he must be thinking about Shrishti's mood.

"Are your friends talking to you now?" I asked walking closer to the couch.

"No! But this Sunday I will bring up the business matters and make them talk to me." He explained with a serious look.

"What about your friend?" he asked without putting a stop to the conversation.

"Still waiting for her to calm down and accept my call." I replied and he frowned before taking out his phone from the table and showed it to me.

"What is it?" I asked looking at his phone.

"She will not ignore her boss's call." He replied and I smiled feeling relieved and also grateful for his help before stepping forward to hold it but he took it away.

"If you conduct the dinner properly without any problem or mistake on your part then you can use my phone." He stated while my smile slipped from my face.

I continued to stare at him while removing every trace of what I am actually feeling because of his words and then turned around to walk towards the kitchen.

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