5. Moving Day

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Ahsoka bounced next to Anakin as they stood in front of Obi-Wan's door. Anakin grinned down at her, "Relax Snips. You'll scare her like this."

"Would you just knock already?"

Anakin rolled his eyes but before he knocked Obi-Wan slid the door aside, "We can hear you."

"Then what took you so long to let us in?" Anakin asked, pushing past him into the apartment.

"Please. Come in," Obi-Wan told him dryly, stepping aside for Ahsoka to enter. He turned back to see Lore-Val waiting nervously in the hall between his bedroom and the kitchen.

"Um, the droid spilled paint all over the carpet," she told Obi-Wan, pointing over her shoulder.

Obi-Wan sighed and headed back to the bedroom. Anakin followed a step behind, failing to hide his snickers.

Lore-Val stood in the kitchen unsure if she should go with them or play hostess to the Togruta. She caught herself staring at the other girl's lekku and montrals, and looked away quickly, a forgotten memory of wanting to be a twi'lek when she grew up shoving its way to the front of her mind.

"I'm Ahsoka Tano," Ahsoka held a hand out, breaking the silence before it could get too awkward. The blue droid behind her whirred, and beeped indignantly, "this is R2."

"Lore-Val Kryze, it's a pleasure to meet you both," she answered, taking Ahsoka's hand.

. . .

"Stop taking my pieces," Anakin told Obi-Wan, snatching a screw from in front of the man.

"I'm not," Obi-Wan said, moving his pile before Anakin could take away more, "Your bag is over there."

Anakin shook his head, tapping at the instructions, "Bag 8a goes to the back support leg."

"No, 8a belongs to the drawers."

"Do you not see the diagram?" Anakin frowned, "You're looking for 8b."

The two continued arguing. Lore-Val and Ahsoka watched them, from where they and R2 were putting together Lore-Val's bed, both trying to cover their giggles.

"Anakin, we have a connection to the living force, building a desk shouldn't be so difficult!" Obi-Wan exclaimed in frustration.

"Be careful Master," Anakin chided with a grin, "such anger leads to the dark side."

Obi-Wan frowned, "You aren't helping."

Lore-Val tapped Ahsoka's knee and pointed to a package, clearly labeled 8a, sitting, unopened, behind Anakin.

The Padawan flashed her a smile, shushing the younger girl. Using the force she sent the bag hovering so it smacked Anakin in the back.

"Huh?" He turned to see the packet sitting there, "Not funny Snips!"

The two girls looked at each other and broke into a fit of laughter.

. . .

Obi-Wan sat in his bed frowning at his data pad. He was exhausted from moving. He'd never owned so much stuff and he didn't think he liked it. But the furniture was no longer in pieces around the apartment so it was, overall, a good day.

According to the data pad it didn't seem that his' men's day had been as productive. Cody's report on the 212th's newest shiny was not as positive as he'd hoped.

He felt an anxious energy enter the room and saw Lore-Val hovering in his bedroom doorway.

"Um, can I ask you a question?" she asked, shuffling forward.

Obi-Wan set the data pad aside, "Of course."

"I really should've asked before, but, what should I call you?"

"Excuse me?"

"It's just," she clasped her hands behind her back (something Obi-Wan had noticed she did whenever she was trying to stay calm and composed),

"When Mother and I spoke about you we always called you my father. But I thought that may be too...informal, but general Kenobi, goes the other way."

"Hmmm. I do see your point," Obi-Wan frowned at the sudden realization that Lore-Val had only spoken to him in the second person since they met nearly a week ago, "You're welcome to call me Obi-Wan, that seems like middle ground."

Lore-Val nodded, a small smile twitching at her lips. "Thank you. Well, I'm going to bed."

"Goodnight Lore-Val."

"Goodnight. Obi-Wan," and with another shy smile she ducked back out of the room.

AN: I promised this chapter would be longer but the word count is actually about the same, it just felt longer when I was rereading it and editing. So anyway Ahsoka is here now, I really hope I did her justice.
Comments and suggestions appreciated :)

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