24. Aunt Flo

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"Solitaire" Lore-Val called.

He stepped up to the 'fresher door, "Are you alright?"

"Um...well. I'm bleeding."

"What! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. But I need...well you know."

"There's Bacta patches in the left of the cabinet."

"No, Solitaire. It's like...girl bleeding," after a minute of silence she slid the door slightly open and popped her head out "You have no idea what I'm talking about do you?"

"Doesn't sound like anything I was taught about in training."

Lore-Val pressed her lips together in a thin line, "There's a little pink box under my bed. Can you bring it to me?"

Solitaire nodded, rushing across the apartment and practically throwing himself on the floor next to the bed. He snagged the box and brought it back to the fresher.

"Thanks," Lore-Val told him, ducking back into the refresher.

She came out a minute later and sat at the table to finish her lessons like nothing had happened. Solitaire looked her over and didn't see any signs of injury. He watched her for a few minutes, she was just sitting there quietly, frowning at a difficult math problem when he finally snapped.

"What the hell was that?"

Lore-Val looked up in surprise, "What was what?"

"In the fresher! You said you were hurt!"

"I'm not," she told him, trying to ignore the warmth spreading across her cheeks, "I'm, um on my period, it happens."

"Period?" He asked even more confused now.

I'm so not equipped to explain this the teenager thought to herself trying to figure out how she could pass this line of questioning to someone, anyone, else.

"It's a girl thing," she settled on finally, "Don't worry about it."

"Don't worry about it? What if you bleed out!"

"I won't. I might die of embarrassment if we keep talking about it though! Just... ask Kix, he's a medic, He should know."

Solitaire finally seemed to be getting the message she didn't want to talk about this and nodded, "You won't die?"

"No," she promised, going back to her work, "I might complain but I definitely won't die."

He nodded, still unsure about the whole thing.

The Kenobi Saga Book One:The Clone WarsWhere stories live. Discover now