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"Stop touching that," Lore-Val said, not looking up from her datapad.

"It itches," Solitaire complained.

"I meant the vase," she turned to face him, "But you should probably stop touching the bandage too or you'll get an infection."

Solitaire pulled his hand away from the vase but kept fiddling with the bandage. They'd shaved his right sideburn and up into his hairline to take out the chip, but the bandage was still pulling on his hair.

They'd been on Mandalore nearly two weeks now. Bo-Katan had assigned them to inventory the palace, seeing what Maul's goons had taken and what had been left behind. So far almost anything Lore-Val had thought to have gone missing had been found simply out of place. It seemed Maul had turned Lore-Val's bedroom into a storage room, anything he didn't like he tossed in haphazardly. She'd found many of her mother's personal belongings and wondered why they hadn't just been thrown away, not seeing any reason for Maul to have kept them.

Lore-Val sighed, taking a look around at the piles they'd made. The things on the bed had already been cataloged while things on the floor or in the closet still needed to be gone through. The last pile was the smallest, some of her mother's favorite jewelry, and other sentimental items that she hoped Bo-Katan wouldn't tell her belonged to the Mandalorian people.

"I think I need a break," Lore-Val announced.

"You say that like there's anything else for us to do."

She gave him a hopeful smile, "We could always go watch the work in the throne room."

"Really?" Solitaire whined, "They all look at me weird down there."

"But it's so fun to watch. They're just jealous you aren't working construction with them."

He sighed, "Fine, but we're getting lunch first."

. . .

Lore-Val and Solitaire sat against a far wall eating spiced leather meat, and watching as the artisans painted new pieces for the stained glass. They were working in the room itself to ensure the colors were right. At the end of the day the pieces would be taken to a studio where they would be fired before being brought back and installed.

On the other side of the room workers were fixing burn damage from the battle. They looked at Solitaire with glares. He tried to ignore them, he knew how the Mandalorians felt about him. Lore-Val said he was a Mandalorian, but it seemed no one else agreed. They called him things he didn't understand and Lore-Val refused to translate.

"Lady Lore-Val," a man called from the doorway. Lore-Val and Solitaire both swung their heads to face him.


"Lady Bo-Katan has something for you to see."

. . .

Bo-Katan stood, arms crossed as she stared at the photo flats and scraps of flimsi in front of her. She didn't turn as footsteps filtered from the hall way into the guest suite that had been turned into some sort of war room.

Lore-Val took two steps into the sitting room from the main hall before stopping short. Solitaire nearly walked into her at the sudden stop, before cursing at the sight in front of them.

Grainy printouts of security footage and other holos scanned onto flimsy were tacked up in groupings. A high back chair was set across from the web of pictures, where Maul could sit and look at his strange creation.

Satine's things were in one corner while another corner was dedicated to Obi-Wan. This second section had lightsaber burns and was generally worse for wear. Scattered across the rest of the wall were other pieces of memorabilia both Mandalorian and Jedi. In the very center of the wall were pictures of a little red haired girl, a perfect mix of Kenobi and Kryze.

Lore-Val took a shaking step back, into Solitaire's chest. Anxiety bubbled up in her. Her heart was racing, hands sweating. She was too busy keeping her spiced leather meat from making a reappearance that she didn't notice the tears welling up in her eyes and spilling over her cheeks.

"Kaysh kar'tayl." Lore-Val gasped out, nearly choking on the words.

"What?" Solitaire looked down at her, before catching Bo-Katan's eyes, "What's that in Basic?"

Bo-Katan didn't move, words coming out dry, almost numb, "He knows."

To Be Continued...

AN: There it is!! At the time of updating this story has over 8thousand hits. Thank you so much to everyone who has supported me through this. Major thank you to my friend delicattie who helped edit all 40 chapters and made the book cover, E you're my hero.

I wish I could give you a release date for book 2, but because Disney keeps changing their schedule I keep changing mine. I have started it and have way too much emotional investment to abandon it so I promise it will be done. I have some side stories I might post between now and then just to keep the account active and hopefully keep everyone interested in Lore-Val's story.

One last time- THANK YOU!!!

The Kenobi Saga Book One:The Clone WarsWhere stories live. Discover now