18. Baking Therapy

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AN: just so you know I updated chapter 17 after originally posting it. If you didn't read the second half I added make sure you check that out before starting this chapter.
AN2: THANK YOU FOR 700 READERS!!!! 💙Ok, enjoy :)

"Can we go to the market?"

Solitaire frowned, "We just got a grocery delivery."

"Yes, but I want to make cookies and I didn't order the ingredients I need."

His frown didn't lighten as he lifted a package from the counter, "We have cookies."

"Yes but these are totally different then the ones I want to make," she paused, "Stars you've never made cookies. Please Solitaire, it's an important part of your childhood."

"I didn't have a childhood."

"You're nine, this is your childhood."

"Thank you for that sad thought," he sighed, "Fine. But you don't leave my sight. I want you within six feet of me at all times."

"Deal! You're amazing."

.   .   .

When they got to the market, Solitaire nearly made Lore-Val ride in the basket of the hover-cart. It seemed like every humanoid over the age of fifty was at the market, and he didn't like the idea of losing his charge in the crowd. Lore-Val was a step ahead, she stood on the bar at the back of the cart with one foot, using the other to push off. Solitaire reached around her to hold the steering bar.

Lore-Val leaned back into him and looked up, smiling at him, "You're worrying again."

"I don't think you understand my job description."

She laughed, "Let's go! We need flour, and lots of it."

Solitaire blinked under his helmet, "You are speaking in tongues."

"Just turn left down this aisle."

.   .   .

"How do we not own a mixer," Lore-Val whined for a third time as she struggled to stir chocolate chips into the thick cookie dough.

Solitaire reached out to take the bowl so he could take a turn stirring, "How many cookies is this?"

"A dozen as long as we don't make them too big. But we're going to make them for Torrent company, Ahsoka and Anakin as a thank you so we need at least three batches to start with. Then we can take a break."

"Wait, we're doing this again?"

"Yes. Trust me it'll be worth it," Lore-Val reached into the bowl and got a finger full of cookie dough.

Solitaire watched her in horror, "There's raw egg in there."

"Are you telling me you haven't tried any the entire time we've been making this?" Solitaire shook his head and Lore-Val gasped in horror, "You are so bad at baking, try some."

Skeptically, Solitaire took a small bite of the dough. Lore-Val watched the surprise on his face as he realized the cookie dough did not in fact taste like raw eggs.

"See, I'm very wise," Lore-Val laughed, taking the bowl so she could start scooping small balls of dough onto the baking sheet.

"Can you make them smaller than the store cookies?" Solitaire asked after he swallowed the sweet creamy cookie dough.

"Maybe, but they might burn. Why?"

"Most of the boys have only eaten rations. The chocolate will make them sick if they eat too much. None of them have the self control to stop eating if they haven't finished what's in their hand."

"Good point. We'll try messing with the baking times and see if we can make tiny cookies," Lore-Val took the little spheres of dough she'd already put on the baking trays, and split them to be smaller, "Does chocolate make you sick?"

"Not anymore. When we first met everything made me sick."


Solitaire nodded with a grimace. The night when he and Cody had dinner with Lore-Val and the general the first time, he'd spent the rest of the night throwing up. His stomach was like a rock the entire way back to the barracks. He'd barely made it to the refresher before he threw up for the first time. Cody apologized for not warning him of the dangers of civie food. Since then he was very careful about trying things for the first time, and by now he was starting to acclimate to the staples found in the apartment.

"Do you think Uj'alayi cake would be better?"

Solitaire blinked at her in confusion.

Lore-Val threw her hands up in defeat, "Wayii! (Good grief) What sort of human being are you? We need to go to the market again. We need nuts and fruit."

AN3:comments, questions concerns are all appreciated. I have another 10ish chapters prewritten, I'm hoping to finish the story by the end of April so that all I need to do is post when Kenobi comes out instead of writing and planning how the show will affect the next story. We'll see if that actually happens though, March and April are wild.

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