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Alec and Thea walked in the training room and saw Clary training with a stick.

Alec walked up and grabbed a stick as well while Thea sat on a chair there with her phone in her hands as she started playing games.

Clary looked at Alec, "looks like we're stuck with each other. For what it's worth, I think your mom was too tough on you out there."

"Mothers are like that." Alec replied simply to which Clary said, "Mine's not. Go ahead. Knock me on my ass. You'll feel better."

"Don't make me say you're right about something. Plant your feet wide." Alec instructed and Clary did as she was told, "Why did you let your mom say all those awful things about Izzy?"

Alec hit Clary's spear with his, "don't step into the strike. Step through it. Izzy was out of bounds. The law is hard but it's the law. Even I forget that sometimes."

"So, you're just gonna let her send Jace out instead of you?" Clary asked to which Thea chuckled, "say you want Jace to be here and not Alec. Honesty is the best policy."

Clary cleared her throat, embarrassed that she was busted.

"f I screw up, I expect to be punished. I'm supposed to be a leader." Alec said, glancing at Thea who again was concentrated on her phone.

"You know what a leader does, Alec?" Clary questioned, "Makes decisions. You need to find Valentine and stop him. I need to find Valentine and help save my mother."

They then began fighting and Alec easily defeated Clary as she laid on the ground, sighing.

"You need to work on your defense." Alec said as he helped Clary up, "what do you think? Do you think we haven't been trying to find your mother?"

"Of course you have." Clary replied, "but I know you can color outside the lines. You're just not letting yourself think that way."

"Oh, yeah?" Alec raised his brows, "What's the big thought I'm not thinking?"

"We can still find Valentine. I might know a way. My mother hid a lot from me, but I did see one thing..." she paused, "there's a box. She didn't think I knew about it. But she opened it once a year and cried."

"Cause?" Alec questioned to which she replied, "It belonged to my father. Had his initials, JC, on top."

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