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Clary and Jace exited the police station and saw Thea, Alec and Isabelle standing outside.

"Did you get it?" Alec asked to which Clary replied, "Theoretically."

"Theoretically?" Alec repeated, raising his brows in confusion.

"Is that a yes or a no?" Thea asked to which Clary replied, "Yeah. I found the card. I just have to figure out how I reached into my notebook before. It's... It's not an exact science."

"Can't you just pull the Cup out?"

"I can, theoretically. I just..." Clary sighed, "it's not as easy as it looks, Alec."

"Listen, you two can discuss theory as much as you want when we get back to the Institute." Jace spoke, "But right now, considering we just stole from the cops, I suggest we get home."

"Guys..." Isabelle's necklace began pulsing, "I think the mundanes might be the least of our worries."

"At least we know the demon necklace works." Alec stated.

"Never a dull day." Jace muttered, "Let's go."

The Shadowhunters started walking, leaving Clary who was walking slow, "Guys, slow down." Clary bumped into an old lady, "Oh, I am so sorry."

The lady dropped her bag and Clary went to pick it up. Suddenly, the lady's mouth became one of a demon.

"Grandma." Jace spoke as he acted like he was about to hug her when he planted his blade into the demon's stomach, killing him.

"What the hell?" Clary gasped, earning a smirk from Jace, "language. Not in front of Grandma."

"Seems like your grandma bought friends, Jace." Thea said as Jace rolled his eyes at her before looking at the policemen that just stepped out of a car.

"How can you tell?" Clary asked Thea, "I can't see anything."

"Behind us."

"I..." Clary sighed, "I still can't see them." More policemen with lit up eyes appeared in front of them.

"Okay, there's too many people." Clary said making Alec glance at her, "I don't say this often, but I agree with Clary. We gotta get outta here."

"Hey, this way!" Clary led the Shadowhunters down a bunch of stairs and stopped in front of a room for electrics. "What's the Unlock rune again?"

Jace kicked against the door and banged open, "Open sesame. Go."

They all got down into the room. Alec deglamoured his bow and arrows and prepared for attacks.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Jace asked as his steps faltered. Alec turned to face his parabatai, "Holding them off. Take Clary back to the Institute."

"No," Jace shook his head, "if you're staying, I'm staying. We fight together."

"Don't be stupid." Alec sighed, "If the demons get the Cup, we're dead anyways."

"I'll stay with Alec," Thea suggested as she stood beside Alec who shook his head at her, "definitely not. You're going back to the institute with the others."

"No, Alec. I'm staying with you and that's final." Thea said in a firm tone.

"Look, I know you guys are having a moment, okay? But we really have to go." Clary said as Isabelle added, "Don't worry. It's not like this is the first time Alec has saved your life. I doubt it'd be the last."

Jace sighed before leaving with Isabelle and Clary. Alec looked down at Thea who smiled, "ready, Lightwood?"

"Always," Alec readied his bow and arrow while Thea held her kindajls in her hands as she positioned herself in a fighting stance.

Demons launched themselves at Alec and Thea who easily got rid of them. Thea was busy fighting with a demon when her eyes fell on Alec who was pinned under one. She stabbed the demon she was fighting with and threw one of her kindajls at the one on Alec making the demon vanish instantly.

"Thanks," Alec shot her a grateful look before his eyes widened as he shot an arrow hitting the demon who was about to attack Thea from behind.

Thea chuckled, "we make a hell of a team, don't we?"

"Yeah," Alec grinned as the two continued to fight the demons.

"Thea?" Luke questioned as he spotted the familiar face. Thea put her weapon down and smiled at Luke who ran to her before hugging her, "I never got the chance to thank you. I owe you, kid. I'm so glad you're okay."

"I'm glad I'm okay too." Thea said making Luke chuckle, "where's Clary?"

"Let's go." Alec said as he grabbed Thea's hand and the three set off the look for Clary. They found her standing with the cup in her hands and demon ashes on the ground in front of her.

"Clary!" Luke called out making the redhead look at them warily, "How do I know you're Luke?"

"I got you spray paint for your birthday." Luke replied and Clary let her guard down, "What happened?"

Uh, demons. Long story. Um... Where'd you come from?" Clary asked to which the alpha wolf replied, "Jail. I ran into Alec and Thea. Said you might be down here. Thought you might need some help."

"Apparently not." Alec eyed the disappearing demon ash, "Looks like she took care of it."

"Shouldn't we get going or something? More demons could be coming, right?" Clary asked to which Luke assured, "Oh, don't worry about it. I got the back on the lookout. If there's any other demons, we'll take care of them."

"Look at you, leader of the pack." Clary said with a smirk which Luke mirrored, " Well, you know, it has its perks."

"Shall we?"

"Yeah. Right." Alec muttered, still holding Thea's hand as they left.

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