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Jace and Izzy entered Clary’s room, where Alec was.

"Where is she?" Jace questioned, "Where is Clary?"

"She’s gone." Alec replied simply. He couldn't care less about the redhead. Thea was also taken and that scared him more than anything.

"What do you mean “gone”?" Isabelle questioned, raising her brows at Alec who replied, "Thea, Clary and Simon got arrested when I was securing the fire escape. I got distracted."

"Wait, Thea was taken too? And the mundane was here?" Jace asked sighing as Isabelle bit her lip, "Simon? Thea? They’re gone, too?"

"It was an unmarked car." Alec replied, "I don’t know where they took her."

"What did you do, Alec?" Jace asked, blaming his parabatai for everything.



The car drove up to the Jade Wolf.

"Where are we?" Clary asked, "This isn’t the police station."

"Just cooperate and everything will be fine." Alaric said while carrying Thea's unconscious body.

"Get out!" Theo urged as Simon shook in fear, "We didn’t do anything wrong."

"Be quiet or you’re gonna make this worse for yourself." Theo warned as he took Thea's unconscious body from Alaric, "I can't believe this. We've hit jackpot with her."

"Hey, you’re not a cop! Let Thea go!" Clary explained as Alaric's phone started ringing, "Luke’s calling."

"Ignore it." Theo ordered, "That’s an order."

"Are you guys with Luke? Did he send you?" Clary asked, receiving a glare from Theo, "none of your business."

Theo then carried Thea inside Jade wold and the others followed behind him. On seeing Thea's unconscious body, the werewolves let out a sigh. Theo didn't know what he was getting himself into and the werewolves knew that. They feared that their Alpha was starting to lose it.

"Theo, if anything happens to her, they'll be out for you." Alaric warned making Simon and Clary frown in confusion.

"Relax." Theo said, trailing a finger down Thea's face, "I won't kill her. I plan to use her. With her in our captivity, the SA will do everything we want  them to without asking questions—including end the damn Clave. Us, werewolves, will become the strongest and the bests. Don't you want that?"

"You think you'll be able to do that by using Althea as leverage?" Alaric asked and let out a chuckle, "good luck."



Jace used a drawing of Clary’s to track her, "damn it. She’s not showing up." He looked at Alec, "We need to parabatai track."

Alec and Jace tried to track her together but Jace was frustrated, "Alec, concentrate. Alec!"

"I’m doing it." Alec snapped, "She’s not showing up."

Izzy walked towards them, "just like I thought. They weren’t arrested."

"It was your job to look after her."  Jace said to Alec to clenched his jaw, "I did my best, Jace."

"Well, then maybe your mother was right, and your best just isn’t good enough." Jace said making Isabelle glare at him, "Jace!"

"Hey!" Alec clenched his jaw, "Are you so blinded by your feelings for Clary, you’ve lost sight of us? Clary snuck out. Thea and I went after her… to protect her. I did nothing you haven’t done a thousand times before. And in case you're forgetting, she isn't the only one gone. Thea is too and it's because of Clary. And I want to find her as much as you do. We won't get anywhere if you keep whining like a fucking baby."

"What's the deal with you and Thea, anyway?" Jace asked furrowing his brows.

"None of your business." Alec replied coldly before looking at Isabelle who was smirking at him while shooting him a knowing look.


"Ah, sleeping beauty is waking up." Theo said as they all stared at Thea who was starting to open her eyes slowly. Once conscious, Thea looked around and saw Clary sitting on a chair while Theo and Alaric were also present.

"Thank god you're okay," Clary said, relief flooding through her veins as she stared at Thea who was glaring at Theo, "what's your deal, Theo? Why am I here? Why did you kidnap them?"

"Because she has the cup." Theo replied, nodding in Clary's direction, "and you, my lovely, are the key to my success."

"Where's the mundane?" Thea asked Clary who replied, "they took him away. He said that if I don't tell him where the cup is, he will kill him."

"Kidnapping me grounds for war, you know that right, Theo?" Althea rasied her brows at the werewolf then turned to the redhead. "Clary, what happens in the room, stays in the room. Promise?" Thea asked Clary who was hesitant for a while but she nodded, confused. "Promise."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Theo asked, furrowing his brows in confusion.

"Theo, you out of all people know better than to mess with me." Thea said in a cold tone before her eyes flashed red and the cuffs around her hands broke. Clary's eyes widened.

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