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"So, that's it, then?" Thea questioned the werewolves who hung their heads low in shame. "After everything I did for you guys, this is what I get?"

"It was Theo, he—" Alaric was cut off by Thea, "I know that. I understand it. But, bringing a mundane into this? And going against me? Need I remind you guys that going against me is going against the SA? All we've done is provide protection to your kind. Theo was obviously too blind and power thirsty to think of the consequences. You could've denied."

"No." Alaric shook his head, "you don't know Theo. We can't deny him. He'll kill us instantly without thinking twice."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Thea questioned with a sigh, "I could've done something."

"You were busy," another werewolf replied, "helping Valentine's daughter."

"That's what this is about?" Thea asked with a scoff, "you guys are wary of me because I'm helping Clary?"

"Not us. Theo was." Alaric corrected and he convinced some of us that he was right.

"You included?" Thea asked Alaric who shook his head, "of course not. I warned him"

"Clary is nothing like her father, okay? You guys need to lighten up. She doesn't know where the cup is yet. When she finds it, it will be given to the Clave who we all know won't protect it well. So, you guys can be sure that either way, Valentine will get his hand on that damn cup."

"The cup makes new shadowhunters. Nothing you can't do."

"It also controls demon and I can't do that." Thea replied before walking towards the exit door, "I'll see you guys soon. I'm gonna make sure that Luke lives."

"Thank you, Althea Crystal Silverstone, you really are something." Alaric said making her smile.


Entering Magnus's apartment, she found Luke lying on the couch muttering inaudible words. Thea rushed to the werewolf before taking his hand in hers and squeezing it making Luke groan in relief as the pain as being extracted slowly.

"Cupcake?" Magnus questioned making Thea turn her head to look at Magnus, "hey."

"What are yo—" Magnus cut himself off when he saw Thea's hand holding Luke. The warlock's eyes widened before he shook his head, "no, don't do this."

"I have to help him." Thea said stubbornly, "especially when I can."

"Be careful. Don't do more than you can, please. It's dangerous." Magnus said before planting a lingering kiss on Thea's forehead. Then he walked away, to Clary and began telling her what he promised Luke he would.

After a few minutes, Thea could feel the energy and strength leaving her body. She let go of Luke's hand making him grunt, grabbing Clary's and Magnus's attention.

"Luke? Luke!" Clary rushed to the only father figure she's known, worried. She shot Thea a thankful smile before Thea look at Magnus, "the bite's getting worst. I'm out of energy. He's taking too much."

Magnus then began using his magic on Luke. After a few minutes, the warlock panted, "I’m running out of magic."

"What do I do?" Clary asked to which Magnus replied, "I can’t leave him, but the potion stock still needs Komodo scale. Find it, add the rest when they get here. You’ll have to feed it to Luke."

"What about you?"

"I’ll hold on as long as I can. Go!" Magnus ushered Clary to ran out.

"Magnus..." Thea muttered as she stared at Magnus who was starting to feel dizzy. "Alright, you know what? Take my hand."

"No." The warlock refused weakly, "it will kill you. You've already given too much. It's too dangerous."

"Better me than you." Thea said before sitting down next to Magnus and held his hand much to the warlock's refusal. Magnus's eyes widened as he felt a jolt of electricity flow from Thea's body to his and then to Luke. "Cupcake, you need to let go."

"No." Thea refused. While Magnus was getting stronger, Thea was getting weaker. She felt as if someone was sucking the life out of her. Her eyes began to close and her grip started to loosen on Magnus's hand, worrying the warlock.

"Let go." Magnus said in a worried tone, "Althea, let go, now." But she didn't. Black dots started to fill Thea's vision and the next thing she knew was that she let go of Magnus's hand and someone caught her before she could hit the ground from behind. It was Alec.

"I've got you."

ALTHEA - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now