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"Is she going to be alright?" Alec asked Magnus as he prepared a potion for Thea who was lying unconscious on the couch. Everyone were surrounding her with worried expressions on their faces.

"I don't know, Alexander." Magnus replied as he added ingredients in a bowl before mixing them together. "I told her not to do it but no. The last time she did that, I almost lost her."

"But how can she do that? I can't do that. Can Shadowhunters take other people's pain away?" Clary questioned looking at Jace and Alec who shook their heads before Jace looked at Magnus questioningly. The warlock sighed, "if she hasn't told you then it is not my place to tell you. I'm sure she'll tell you all in due time." He then approached her and made her drink the potion which was to restore her energy.

"Alexander." Magnus called out making Alec look at him, "yeah?"

"Hold her hand." Magnus instructed, "she needs your energy to act like a boost...to Kickstart the potion I just gave her."

Alec did as he was told. He held Thea's hand which was cold. He felt her squeeze his hand weakly and softly before he felt a small jolt of electricity in his hand. He could feel the rush of his blood through his veins. Thea then let go of his hand making Alec sigh in contentment. She was conscious, but not funny.

"Now, give her time. Let the potion work." Magnus said before looking at Alec, "you, take her to a room."

Alec bent down and scooped Thea in his arms, carrying her in bridal style before walking towards a room where Magnus pointed. He gently placed her on the bed and stood there, watching her. Alec lowered his head and placed his lipson her forehead before closing his eyes, allowing his lips to linger there for a while. He pulled away and pushed a strand of her hair away from her face, "I'll be waiting for you."



Thea slowly opened her eyes and blinked a few times. She sat up straight and found that she was all alone in a room. She assumed that she was in Magnus's apartment because of the way the room was 'decorated.'

The door to her room flew open, revealing Magnus whose eyes widened when he saw Thea staring at him. "Cupcake!" He exclaimed before rushing to her and pulling her for a hug, "you're finally awake!"

"Wait, really?" Thea questioned, widening her eyes, her tone dripping with sarcasm, "I'm really awake?"

Magnus rolled his eyes, "I'm happy you're up. You've been out for ten hours."

"Where's Alec?" Thea asked making Magnus smirk, "Alec, huh? He's gone back to the institute last night. Clary has found the cup or so I think. They're probably at the NYPD, trying to get the cup as we are speaking."

"Cool. I'll go." Thea stood up, "can you get me some clean clothes? I'll go take a bath."

"Of course." Magnus smiled as Thea went to the bathroom, closing the door behind her. When she came out, she saw a shirt, a pair of jeans and a leather jacket on her bed. Magnus knew her style. After wearing them, she brushed her hair, applied some lipstick before leaving.



"You know what? I'm gonna bring Alec with me next time. I don't think he's ever slapped me in the face."

"I'm sorry," Clary sighed, "I panicked."

Isabelle and Alec have arrived at the police station.

"Someone called for backup?" Isabelle asked to which Jace asked back, "Yeah. What took you guys so long?"

"Funny, I was gonna ask you the same thing." Alec said with a straight face.

"It's complicated." Jacee replied as Clary said, "We found the Cup."

"The Cup?" Isabelle repeated to which Clary nodded, "Yeah, but then we lost it. We have to sneak back in the precinct to get it."

"This is a disaster." Alec commented making Jace shook his head, "Hey, demon pox is a disaster. This is an inconvenience. We just need a plan. That's all."

"A plan for what?" The familiar voice made the four shadowhunters spun around to see Thea standing there.

"You're awa—" Jace was cut off by Thea, "I swear to the angels, if one more person says that to m—" Thea couldn't finish her sentence as Alec rushed towards her before pulling her in for a hug. "Thank fucking god you're fine."

Thea relaxed into the hug before hugging him back. Alec then broke the hug and cupped her face before placing his lips on hers, kissing her in front of everyone and not caring about Isabelle who was shouting with excitement in the back.

ALTHEA - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now