Chapter 17.2 The Man Who Lives Among the Shadows

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They crossed the forest without further incidents. Iris could feel the Shadows lurking at the corners of her vision, but they kept their distance. It seemed that the demonstration of strength they showed during the last ambush was enough to keep the creatures at bay. At least for now.

The forest ended suddenly, and they entered the great plain. The ground was rocky and dusty. There was no sign of any shadowy flora here, just cracked, grey earth. When they left the shelter of the trees behind them and entered the plain, the violent wind hit them hard, yanking on their cloaks and trying to knock them off their feet. Its howls were shrilling and sounded like painful cries.

Above them, heavy black clouds were covering the sky, bringing the promise of a raging storm. In the middle of the plain stood an enormous construction that must have been a palace once. Now, most of its walls were crumbled, and rubble was covering the ground around it. But it still stood firm, defying the unstoppable time and all its attempts to bring it down. The dark shadows were swirling all around it menacingly.

'Are we sure we want to go there?' asked Arlo, tightening the grip on his axes.

'It doesn't look very inviting,' agreed Jayden.

'I will scout it,' said Myrica, her voice sure without any hesitation.

'That would be wise, yes,' agreed Marcus.

'I'm going with you,' said Arlo.

'No, you are not. You will slow me down,' protested the huntress.

'I wasn't asking you, Myr,' said the big man, not faltering under her glare.

'He's right, Myr, my dear,' interjected Marcus. 'I don't think you can sneak close enough and not get spotted. I think the Shadows can sense us easily enough. And you could certainly use Arlo's muscles.'

'Fine,' she huffed, rolling her eyes. 'Come, I do not wish to waste any more time.'

Arlo grinned at his companions and followed Myr's quick stride.

They backtracked a little to find shelter from the cruel wind behind the trees and sat on the ground waiting. Kara was pacing around them, her hand on the sword handle, her blue eyes scanning the surroundings vigilantly.

'How are you holding up, Iris?' asked Marcus. 'Are you tired? Any concerns?'

'I'm all right,' the girl replied with a small smile. 'I am tired but not exhausted. I still can go on for a few hours, at least. Hopefully, we can find Kara's husband soon.'

'Let's hope so.'

They sat in heavy silence for a while. Iris' head was still throbbing, but either she already got used to it, or there was no immediate danger lurking for them around here. But she was still nervous. She was jumping on every louder rustling noise, expecting dark tendrils to catch her and drag away again. She shivered as she remembered a far too wide grin full of teeth so close to her face.

'Are you sure you all right, Iris?' asked Jayden. He sat next to her, looking at her intently.

She looked at him, surprised at the emotions she spotted in his dark eyes. Was that concern? For her? 'Yeah, I'm fine. This Shadow back there was creepy. Unfortunately, I had a close look at it....'

'Here,' he handed her a waterskin. 'Drink. You look pale.'

'Thank you.' She took a few sips, though she wasn't thirsty. Which was peculiar, considering they were wandering around the Shadow Realm for a while now. She couldn't exactly tell the time, as there was no sun nor moon here, but the tiredness of her muscles spoke volumes.

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