✨one-shot ✨ ("of course, butter cup...")

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This is a one shot chapter.
In this chapter it's about when y/n meets ray again on her first day of high school,but a bitch already..... No read to find out!!! *hehehe*

*cough*² Yandere Reader× ray!!!

*Y/n pov*

I was standing in front of my new school, breathing heavily and sweating like crazy from all the running. I am 1 hour late for my first day of school, and as always.... I overslept because of my gang! It ain't my fault though! Sleep comes first and school comes last!!you can't change my mind!!

As I sneaked in to my new school, I just had to run in to her!!!

The principal!!

"L/n...first day of school and you are already late? " she glared down at me and shook her head disappointingly when she saw my attire.

" I am sorry Mrs. Isabella...it won't happen again " I put my hands into my pant pocket. If your are wondering why I am wearing pants instead of a skirt... The answer is simple, one: because it is hard to run and kick someone in the face. Two : I heard rumors that there was a pervert in this school named.... Minata? Mineta? Minty? Oh wait no, grape head!! Yes! Where I heard the rumor? From my best friend in the whole world ( the twin trouble maker if you are wondering. Give him any name you want).

" I expected well behaviors from the next head of L/n company..." Mrs Isabella mumbled and took me to her office. She gave me the girls uniform and dragged me to wear it...i stopped complaining when she gave me a black leggings and quietly wore it, after that,was a whole eternity of lectures! On how I should stop being in a gang! And how I am soo good at things but my gang is the reason I am being like this...blah blah !

Dang it brother Zack!! I am gonna get you for telling her everything about me!!!

Finally she stopped and looked at the time to see that it was already break. She told me to go to my class ,which I took it with my left ear and tossed it out through my right ear when I closed the door behind me.

I walked around for sometime and the bell rang again. After a lot of U turns and stairs I finally reached a library. I opened the door and popped my head through the door.

As expected there was no souls here, which is good for me since I can catch up on my today's dream..

I went to the top of the library and saw a window showing the beautiful cherry blossoms outside. I decided I would go to sleep after reading a book and looked through the shelves. In the end I found a lots of good and interesting books and it was hard to see through the books. I slowly walked up the stairs to the window but...... Someone had to bump into me.

I close my eyes shut, expecting myself to go down but there was a hand snaking to my waist and pulled me towards him.i guessed it was a he because of his hard abs and strong grip.My books went flying to the end of the stairs with another pile of books, which was his I guess..

" I am sorry.. Are you ok? " he looked down at my face and our eyes widened.


"Are you ok?" A boy asked with a serious expression. I looked him a little shocked

"Yup! I...."

"How much hours did you sleep?"he asked concerned, cutting me off. I avoided his eyes.


"Y/n! When was the last day you slept?!" He closed his book.

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