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"Cleo, look at this shit." Rainy ran into my new three-story home.

I scanned the room for Mateo. "Watch your language!"

It's been about a month since we started shooting scenes for the movie and it was going great. I got my first paycheck not too long ago and I decided to take Mateo shopping, buy myself some new things, and get a bigger house that has more than one bedroom.

Mateo was going to go to elementary school for the first time in a couple of weeks and I wasn't entirely sold on the school that he's zoned for, so we set up an appointment to tour the school later on.

Rainy dropped a magazine on the glass coffee table. "Look. At. This. Shit." She pointed at a picture of the cast of the movie.

"That's me!" I fanned myself. "I'm in a magazine?"

"Yup." Rainy nodded her head so quickly that her hat almost flew off of her head.

I stared at the glossy magazine, debating on whether I should put it in a case or not. "Wow. This is actually real."

"Yeah." Rainy pulled out a stool and sat beside me. "I. . . I have something to tell you."

"Go on." I kept my eyes on the magazine.

"Cleo, it's serious."

"Okay." I slowly turned my head to face her. "What's up?"

"I-I'm lesbian." Rainy fidgeted with the many golden rings on her fingers. "A-and I don't think I've ever told you, but I have been the entire time we've been best friends. Over the years, I've been slowly falling in love with your personality, looks, and, well. . . everything, really. Ever since the first day I laid my eyes on you, I was sure you were the one. I was just too afraid that if I shared my feelings that I'd ruin our friendship forever, but I just can't hold it in anymore. I can't imagine my life without you in it and I'm hoping that you love me as well—not like friends, but as more. . . more than friends."

I gulped, not sure how I should respond. No one has even come out to me before, let alone, confess their love for me. "Um. . . good for you?"

"Wha- good for me? That's all you have to say? I literally just poured my heart out, and all you say is 'good for you?'"

"I-I'm sorry. I-I didn't know how to respond."

"Well since you didn't reply with, 'I love you too, Rainy, and I hope we could go out on a date or something', then I'm 100 percent positive you don't like me. Do you?"

I slowly shook my head. "I don't. . . I-I don't like girls like that."

Rainy's face deflated as tears pooled into her eyes. "I understand." She stood, quickly wiping at her eyes. "I hope I didn't ruin anything, you know, friendship-wise."

"Of course not."

"I'll uh see you around." She wiped her eyes again while she swiftly exited through the front door.

I sat there staring at my hands thinking. I felt terrible for rejecting Rainy like that, but she should've asked me if I was into girls to test the waters a little. I dunno, maybe I did like girls.

Nah, I love me some dick.

But I've never tried pussy. I shuddered at the thought. I've never really pictured myself kissing a girl or even eating one out.

Yeah. . . I'm 100 percent straight.

My phone vibrated just as Mateo ran out of his room flailing his arms dramatically. I looked at the caller ID and decided I was going to call her back later.

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