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Rainy rested her head on my breasts while we watched the preview of the movie with Adriana, Booker, Austin, Leilani, and Mateo. On the parts when Booker and I would kiss, I always felt Rainy tense up while narrowing her eyes.

I'm kind of rethinking this whole experimenting on her plan, but I kinda wanna see where it goes. I have never ventured outside of dating only men (sometimes boys), so I guess this will be the little fun in my life.

We all clapped once the preview was over. "Let's all be honest here, I was the best, right?" Austin took a sip of some drink in his red Solo cup.

"No drinking while Mateo's in here," I ordered.

Austin sucked his teeth. "You say that like you think I'ma give him some."

"Austin." I raised a daring brow at him.

"Aight, damn." He got up and walked slowly to the kitchen sink.

"And no cussing either," I yelled after him.

"So, how old are you, Little Guy?" Adriana poked Mateo's stomach, making him giggle.

"Six." He smiled as he showed her six fingers.

Mateo turned six last month and we had a miniature party for him. It was just me, Rainy, Adriana, Booker, and Austin since he doesn't have friends yet. We took him to Chucky Cheese for a couple of hours.

"Oh, so you're a big boy." Adriana smiled.

"Mhm." Mateo's luscious curls bounced as he nodded. "I'm going to school next week."

"Aww, you're such a cutie." She tapped his nose.

Mateo giggled as his cheeks turned red.

Booker tapped Mateo's arm lightly. "She's single, ya know."

"Nuh-uh, don't be settin' my baby boy up for no heartbreak." I laughed.

"Man, he's the one that will be doin' all the heartbreaking. Ain't that right, Heartbreak Teo?" Booker looked over at Mateo.

"Yep. I simp for no one." He high-fived Booker.

"Y'all need to get outta this boy's life, I swear." I shook my head, suppressing a laugh.

"Mateo, hurry up! You're gonna be late," I yelled from the kitchen.

Today, I was finally letting Mateo go to school. This was going to be his very first day around kids his age and I'm a bit unsure how he was going to react.

Mateo came running out of his room with a white Adidas hoodie, black Adidas joggers with white stripes on the side, and small white Adidas shoes. His hair was still a sloppy, matted mess.

I tapped his chair twice, beckoning him to sit. Mateo ran to the chair, his shoestrings flying about.

"Stop running, Mayo." I got a plastic cup out of the pantry along with a paper plate.

Rainy yawned while sliding her slippers on the marble floor. "Mornin', Mat." Mateo waved to her. I felt her hands wrap around my waist from the back and a small kiss on my neck. "Mornin', Babe."

I swatted her off of me. "Not in front of Mateo," I whispered.

Rainy waved me off and kissed my neck once more. "Ain't nothin' wrong with a lil' morning love."

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