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"Ricky postponed the movie to protect his name." Adriana took a sip of wine out of my crystal glass.

"Really?" I fixed myself another cup.

"Hell yeah. Bossman is just as worried about his reputation as the rest of us."

"Stop cussing, Mateo's home." Even when I'm semi-drunk, I'm still worried about that kid. A small giggle escaped my lips, along with a hiccup.

I tried to process all my thoughts and emotions, but my brain was foggy. I was a bit angry that Ricky would put a hold on the movie because I was innocent; I have proof to show as well. I get it, some people trusted what was on television more than the truth that was right in front of their faces—some decided to forget that the truth existed in the first place. I might go on a talk show or something to get my word out there.

Surely people would take my word over the Hawthorne's, right?

"How're you and Rainy goin'?" Adriana filled her cup up.

"We're okay. I might tell her it was all fake tomorrow or something."

Adriana's eyes shifted to something behind me, but I paid no mind to it. "So. . . did y'all have sex, or at least kiss, for that matter?"

"I mean. . . no." I took a big gulp, savoring the tangy liquid in my mouth. "But Rainy's kissed my neck before." I pulled down my collar to expose a line of hickeys.

"Nice." Adriana bobbed her head up and down. I'm not sure if it was because she was proud, or because she was drunk as fuck. "Are you gonna try kissing her before dumping her?" Her eyes shifted once again.

"Nah, I don't think this whole experiment worked out well for me, but you know, I think Booker is fine as hell."

"He's fine as wine, Girl!" Adriana held her wine glass up in the air as she kicked her foot out.

"Experiment? That's what I am?" I recognized that voice to belong to Rainy.


"T-That's not what I meant." I turned around to face her. She had on her pink silk pajama set with mascara running down her chocolate brown face.

"Then what did you mean, Cleo?!" Rainy wiped at her eyes, smearing the mascara even more.

"Uh. . ."

What did I mean?

"Okay, so, I was exploring my sexuality."

"So I was an experiment?"

"No!" I lowered my eyes. "Wait, yes you were. But I didn't mean anything of it. I-I didn't—"

"Think about how that would make me feel? You know what? I didn't see you as the selfish type, but ya know what they say, looks can be so goddamn deceiving."

"I'm not selfish."

Rainy threw her hands up in the air. "You fucking used me for your benefit! Tell me, Cleo, how is that not being selfish?!"

"This isn't fair. I'm drunk, Rainy! I can't even think straight!"

Rainy laughed, but only I could hear the pain. "Drunk words speak sober thoughts." She shook her head. "Whatever we had is over, Cleo, and our friendship as well."


"I'll still come to visit Mateo, only Mateo." Rainy walked back into our room. "I'm going to pack my things."

"Rainy." I got up from my chair and ran to her. "Rainy, please, at least be my friend."

"Friend." Rainy chuckled. "You don't know how much I hate that word." She grabbed a huge suitcase out of the closet.

"Have you been planning this?" I wiped my own eyes.

"I've heard that you were just using me, but I wanted to hear for myself."  She opened up a dresser and dumped all of the clothes into her suitcase.

"Who told you?" I leaned on the doorframe.

"You're fine as wine co-worker, Booker." Rainy got another dresser. "He said that what you're doing was wrong and he wanted me to have a better life."

"That son of a bitch."

"He's a son of a bitch for being a good friend?" Rainy grabbed another dresser. "Now, I'm done talkin' to your ignorant ass."

Rainy grabbed the suitcase and pushed past me. The front door slammed a couple of seconds later.

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