。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆Two 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

15 0 0

⚠️Tw self-conscious, panic attack ⚠️

Y/n pov:
We headed into the store and walked around to go find the food. After we found it we started to get things that wouldn't have to be refrigerated.
"So what are we going to do? About the whole living situation"
George asked putting Pringles into the basket.
"I have no idea actually"
I said thinking about where we were going to live.
"Hey I just happen to over hear you're guys have no where to stay and I was wondering if you wanted to stay with me?"
I heard a oddly familiar voice say.
I look up to see GUAVA JUICE?!?!?!??
I look at my brother and he is also in shock aswell. I look back at guava juice and I see him with Alex and try to keep my cool.
I said quickly looking back at my brother and see him dumbfounded.
"Great! Um you can finish getting what you need and then we can go" Roi said smiling.
I was freaking out my and my brothers IDOL JUST FREAKING ASKED US TO STAY WITH HIM!!!

。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆Time skip after y'all finish。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

We finished getting food and other things aswell. We went to pay for it and then left out of the store.
"Follow me to my car"
Roi said walking to his car that was in meany of his vlogs.
We followed him to his car with Alex and got in with Alex and roi in the front and me and George in the back.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆Time skip at the house。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

"I have 2 guest rooms upstairs down the hall one is to the left and the other is to the right."
Roi said closing the door.
Suddenly his dogs ran up to us and smelled us.
"Oogie off." he said laughing looking down at him.
"So cute!" George said with his British accent slightly coming out again.
After the incounter with Oogie we went to our rooms.
"Ok so tomorrow we can go get things to decorate your guys rooms with tomorrow."
Roi said opening one of the doors.
"No no you already did so much for us." George said.
"And we could never pay you back for it." I added on.
"No worries besides me and monette have a LOT of room."
He said looking at the both of us.
I looked a George and he could practically read me like an open book.
George said looking back at Roi.
"Ok! So why don't you guys get settled and then come down for dinner when your ready."
Roi said with a big smile.
Me and George said at the same time.
I walked my room and Oogie came in behind me and jumped on the bed and made himself comfortable. I giggled and finished unpacking. I was a pretty nice room it had white walls with a few posters. A light blue comforter with a flip em unicorn on it. The unicorn was blue with turquoise on one side and when you flipped it it was pink and rainbow colored.
(Totally didn't describe mine)
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆Time skip after y'all settled in 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
Me and George walked downstairs to be met with Roi and Alex.
"Here you go! I made ramen"
Roi said with his signature smile.
"Thank you."
me and George said at the same time once again.
"I have a question for you guys." Alex asked looking me because George had his mouth full.
"Yes?" I asked a little hesitant because I didn't have a good feeling about this.
"Where are your parents? You look a little young."
I froze and George stoped eating and looked at me. He could tell what was happening and he hugged me. I started crying and hugged him back.
"Give us a minute I'll come back and tell you after I calm her down."
He said picking me up. He carried me upstairs to his room and cuddled me and wisperd sweet nothings into my ear to calm me down. After I felt a wave of exhaustion come over me and I was out like a light.

George pov (wow a pov change :3):

After y/n had fallen asleep I carefully got up and tryed to not wake her. After I got up I had walked downstairs to where Alex and roi were.
"What happened is she ok?" Roi asked looking very concerned.
"She'll be fine but please don't mention our parents." I said looking at them with a serious face.
"The reason why is because our father died and our mother took it out on her. I was her 'Favorite' and she abuse y/n. I don't know why though because we are twins."
I said with a tear falling down my face.
Just then Roi came over and wiped the tear from my face then hugged me. I cried into him in the hug. He then pulled away and he had been crying aswell.
Would you and your sister like to be fosters by me? He asked looking at me in my eyes. My eyes Widened and I hugged him again.
I would have to talk to my sister but we would love that." I responded my words being muffled by his shirt fabric.

。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆Time skip a few hours later. 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

Y/n's pov :

I woke up to loss of heat and feeling cold. I opened my eyes to see George sitting on the floor. On his phone watching a dream video. Our main two favorite idols are guava juice and Actually most members in the Dream smp (George is not in the smp yet). "Georgeieeee"
I said dragging out the e in the nickname that I gave him. He jumped surprised that I was awake.
"Yes?" He said getting up and cuddling me once more.
"Nothing I just wanted you to come back." I said laying back down.
"Roi said that he wants to foster us." George said looking at me. My eyes Widened and I jumped up.
"REALLY?!?" I said shoked and happy and at that point I was crying. I hugged George and cryied into him. After a minute I stopped crying enough to get up and run out the door. I ran to find Roi just then I bumped into him.
"Woah! What's wrong?" He said hugging me back and resting his Chin on my head.
"THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!" I yelled into his shirt.


Words 1094
A.n. Awwwww 🥺 anyway I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter I'll have the next one out either tomorrow, tonight or the day after tomorrow.

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