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"WHAT?!?" Both me and George said at the same time. We were freaking out over the fact that the whole Dsmp just followed us both. Suddenly our phones were going off like crazy with followers and comments.
We both looked up at guava juice and Realized that sapnap followed ME. my face turned bright red. George noticed this and started to laugh.
"Finally realized sapnap is going to be talking to you tomorrow?" He said looking at me and trying not to laugh even more.
"Who likes sapnap?" Roi said walking back in the room with some food.
"Y/n here has a lil crush on sapnap." George said puting me on blast like that.
"Oh do they now?" Roi said looking a lil weird. "I'm just kidding it's ok to like people." He said pating my head.
Just then I got a notification that sapnap was live. I didn't notice George behind me and I opened twitch. "OoOo~ someone's Simping" George said looking at my phone.
"Oh shush" I said before getting cut off by hearing my name from sapnap's stream
"OH! by the way chat go follow y/nsmiles and Georgenotfound!" He said looking at the camera. I feel my face heat up and I can tell because George's face was really red. I was in my room and sapnap's stream had finally ended. Suddenly the sound of a discord call rang in my ears. It was my computer. Someone was calling me on discord. It was SAPNAP?!? I ran to my desk and answered it and was greeted by his cute smile. "Hi! You must be y/n!" He said with a huge smile. I started to blush. HARD. "Y-Yeah! I am! And your sapnap!" I said being sarcastic. "Yup my real name is Nick but I prefer for everyone to call me sapnap." He said looking to the side a little red? But I just brushed it off.

Sapnap's pov:
"Yup my real name is Nick but I prefer for everyone to call me sapnap." I said looking to the side trying to hide my blush. I hope that she didn't notice. I thought that she was really attractive. When dream told me that one of his good friends wanted us to play Minecraft and stream with his fosters to help them join the community I didn't think that one of them would be attractive let alone around my age. I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts by hearing my name. "sapnap?" she said looking at me. just the way she said my name alone made my face that much more flusterd. "Y-Yes?" i said studdering a bit. she giggled. her giggle was even more cute then how she said my name. " I asked if you wanna play bedwars with me and George tomorrow?" she asked looking at the webcam that she had. "you can invite others if you want as well." she said holding what looked to be a ferret. "sure! ill invite dream, Ranboo, Karl, techno and Phil. i said nameing off people that i thought would be good at bedwars or would be close to her in the future. "wait THE ranboo and phil? as in ranboo my belovend and philza?!?!?" she said wide eyed. "yeah? i mean i know that they mostly get along with everyone they meet." i said a little questioning her. "NO way! they are two of my comfort streamers out of three!" she said looking at me. "really? who is your third one? maybe i could invite them!" is said using them because it could be a girl or a guy and i don't just want to assume. "actually HE will already be there! but ill let you guess who." she said with a smirk on her face. "wow so i don't even get to know who this mystery guy is? i'm so hurt." i said grabbing my heart and faking a tear. "nope not yet at least." she said looking at me. we have just met but I feel like we will be close friends or even more in the future.

Y/n's pov:

After I got off of the call with sapnap, George walked in. "hey y/n dinners ready! and i know your hungry" he said sitting on my bed. "yup" i said looking at him. "come on lets go eat" he said getting up from my bed and walking out of the room. just as i was about to leave i got a message on discord on my computer and i assumed that it was just sapnap saying something like i had fun or messaging me details so i left it alone and went to go eat dinner.

~time skip after dinner~


I came back with george in my room because we were going to watch a movie on my pc. so george sat on my bed with blankets and popcorn and i went to my pc to get the movie up but then i remembered that i got a message so i thought that i would check that first. "hold on george i have to check something" i said pulling up my discord messages. "ok" was all i hear before i seen something that i never wanted to see again. "M/nFrownies: you little brat! how DARE you took your beloved brother away and runaway from me! i will find you and when i do you will be sorry!" is what it read. I felt myself start to hyperventilate and george noticed this and ran to my side. "hey hey hey calm down y/n calm down" he said hugging me and pulling me down to the ground with him gently. "breath" he said looking at me. i still was not calming down and he noticed this. " hold on y/n" he said with tears in his eyes because the panic attack was that bad. he got up and put a blanket around me and then went to my pc.

Georges pov:

I had an idea so i got up and went to y/n's pc. it was kinda hard to see the contacts with watery eyes but i manged to find sapnap. i clicked on his contact and called him. he answered and then his eyes got wide to see me with teary eyes on the other side. "George?!?!? are you ok???" he said with worry on his face. "i'm fine but i don't really have time to explan but its y/n! she is having a panic attack and she won't calm down! then i rememberd that you have ranboo's number! his streams always seem to calm her down but he is not streaming right now so i was wondering if you could contact him?" i said hopeing that it was not to much to ask. "yeah ill add him to the call right now" he said as typing could be heard from his side. as a sound of someone joining the call could be heard i left the pc and went back to y/n who was still shaking.

Ranboo's pov: 

I got a message from sapnap on discord sapnap almost never talked to me unless we were doing a video so opened it quickly and it said: RANBOO GET ON VC2 NOW ILL EXPLANE AFTER! it looked urgent so i joined it and seen sapnap and two people in on the floor one of which looked like they were having a panic attack I knew what they felt like and how to help. "this is why-" sapnap started out with but I cut him off with a shhh. "george what is there love language?" i asked him having heard the name in sapnap's stream " Its touch why?" george asked. "ok so george what i am going to need you to do is grab one of her blankets that make her feel the safest and one of her other thing that makes her feel safe." i started out. and i watched him going around her room grabbing her blanket and a sapnap plushy. i'm pretty sure i seen him blush at that but that is not important right now. "now that you have everything hug them and make them feel comforted ill be doing my best to as well" i said as george started to cuddle them. after he did i started to hum(video above). for some reason when i hum my chat always tells me that i make them feel comforted and calm so i do it for people when they are having panic attacks and it always seems to work. That's why i get them there favorite thing and then use there love language to help calm them down and it almost always had worked.

Y/n's pov:

I was cuddled up with george and felt myself start to calm down i looked up at him and he was looking at me and started smileing i looked down and out of the window to see that it started raining it was so calming ranboo's humming mixed with the rain outside made me feel calm and a little sleepy. after i had calmed down i looked at george once more and hugged my sapnap plushy closer. Nothing could have ruined this moment.

wordcount: 1518

Loved again // y/n gets saved by Guava juiceWhere stories live. Discover now