Princess Private School {4}

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Cover made by Yalevolyda! Please enjoy the chapter :]


                                                                Princess Private School

                                                                            Chapter 4

The next morning Amythyst woke up with a long and irritated sigh. She knew that it has come, the day that she despised her whole life - first day of school, or princess school in her case. Her deep burning passions of hate rose as she slowly made her way to her bathroom. 

The second she opened the door a bright and sparkly scene rudely struck her eyes, the entire bathroom was glowing, and in the most possible worst way she hated. She hissed and closed the blinds on the window, preventing the sun from lighting up the room. Amythyst exhaled slowly, trying to get herself together and turned on the hot water. Hot water always calms her nerves. 

After her morning shower, wrapped up in a towel, Amythyst slowly paced toward her wardrobe. Opening the closet door, with one hand holding the towel, she began to run her eyes across the clothes displayed in front of her. Finally, making her decision she took out a simple black T-shirt, a short, black skirt with a chain clipped on and two different pairs of tights - one string-like, the other black, but ripped up in the knees.

“Beautiful.” said Amythyst smiling as she placed the clothes on her bed before changing. 


Walking down the grayish rocky pavement toward the school entrance, with her big black boots making loud thud sounds Amythyst felt as if she was on the road to her personal hell - which would look like heaven to any other girl, from the outside. 

It was really ironic - the school looked so rich and expensive, any other princess would've thought it was truly a heaven to spend time at, but for Amythyst, it’s hell from inside and out. She knew what awaited her behind the school doors.  

She hated all those uptight, self centered people who would judge her based on her appearance and ‘not accept her’. Amythyst doesn’t care if they accept her or not, to her - accepting yourself is enough. But still, she has to live on the same planet with those irrational, egotistical pricks.

Showing no signs of hurry, she slugged her way through the entrance doors and was hit by a wave of whispers. Amythyst held in a groan, she could already hear the other girls begin to bitch about her clothes and her doll. Yes, Amythyst took Ebony with her, but only because she didn’t want to feel alone. 

The frenzy was just about to start, and Amythyst knew it.

“Oh. My. God! Did you see her clothes?! Is she some kind of Emo-Gothic freak? Talk about calling the fashion police!” whispered a brunette to a blonde loud enough so Amythyst could hear her. 

“I knooow,” agreed the blonde, “Did you see her freaky doll? Is she some kind of isolated whack job?” she added.  

To that, the brunette said, “I bet she’s just dressing like that only to get attention. Worthless trash.” 

Amythyst tightened the grip on her doll. Even though she didn’t care whenever she’s accepted or not, their words still hurt. 

Looking down at the floor while walking, Amythyst let her bangs fall, covering her eyes and half her face, building up a wall against the outside world. She did not need their opinion to get through life. Critics are everywhere. 

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