Princess Private School {5}

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                                                                  Princess Private School

                                                                          Chapter 5

Amythyst knew that she was hated already by the other princesses and it didn’t surprise her. She was always an outcast, so she’s used to it. Even if she doesn’t do anything wrong, it always turns out the same. It always has.

She made her way down the hall after checking out the bulletin board with the school cook – Mark. Amythyst felt even hollower than earlier. She assured Mark that she’ll find the classroom on her own, and she did, she’s standing right in front of it. What she didn’t mention is that she didn’t want to find it at all. She wanted out of this school, away from it all. Back to her sanctuary. Sadly, fate loves to torture her.

With nausea building up in her chest she lightly knocked on the door and opened it in a slow movement. The first thing she saw was eyes, lots and lots of eyes. All different colors, but all of them shared similar feelings: confusion, shock, fear, hate, judgment. It was history repeating itself. She took a step into the class, silently gulping and wishing she were somewhere else.

Amythyst looked up to find the teacher and saw that there was no adult present in class, except maybe some princesses who looked like they were over eighteen. Confused, she looked around the class, only to receive uncomfortable stares. They’re not gonna help. She thought.

Shrugging it all off, Amythyst walked to the back of the class, aware of the stares that were following her, and sat down in an empty seat. She took out her black IPod and put on Broken Iris – Where Butterflies Never Die, with it, casting everyone out. They were the least of her worries, even if she was their first.


“Hmmm, I see” Mr. Mathews nodded in agreement and stood up. “Is that all you want me to do?”

Oliver nodded in response, “Yes, for now” he added and stood from his chair as well.

“Well, I’ll try my very best” said Mr. Mathews. Both men shook hands, sealing their deal. There was no going back, now that the plan was in motion.


Meanwhile, the first period - which turned out to be free period - ended and Amythyst proceeded to her next class. While walking out she managed to dodge a princesses’ leg that was purposely stuck out.

Amythyst mentally chuckled to herself in her little victory. Do those princesses think I’m an idiot? She thought smugly walking into her next class.  It wasn’t the first time someone attempted that sort of trick on her, she was somewhat expecting it.

“Hey! Emo-freak-face!”  Ah, company already. How lovely. Amythyst thought with a wry smile.

Amythyst turned. It was the same girl that tried to trip her earlier. Amythyst gave the girl credit, not everyone had the guts to insult her, at least not straight in her face, nonetheless, the girl didn’t know what she was getting herself into. Poor thing.

“I must say, your insults are completely original, I’ve never heard them before” Amythyst spoke, sarcasm dripping off every word.

The girl’s eyes filled with fury. “Watch it, bitch! I can easily wipe that smug little smile off your face”

To that empty threat Amythyst only sighed. “How very mature of you, sweetie” her voice was smooth and even, “And here I thought this school was meant to teach you not to use foul language”

“Shut the fuck up and get out of here! You don’t belong here!” the girl yelled in declaration.

Amythyst smiled wryly to her outburst. “Trust me, darling, if I could leave this place, I would’ve already. Sadly, in current circumstances I must remain here, much to your displeasure, as well as my own.”

The girl looked like she was out of words, though her fists were clenched tightly.

“Now, if that’s all you wish to discuss with me, I shall be on my way. Good day” Amythyst said to the girl, turning around and walking toward her next class.

“That self-centered freak!” the girl spat out to the ground in irritation.  

Just watch… I’ll make her run for the hills… she thought with an evil smile.


Hey guys! I know it's been forever since I uploaded PPS, I started this chapter a long time ago and never got around to finishing it D:

Today I found it on my computer and finished it, so hope you guys enjoy it!


Also, check out my new Fantasy story: Illumina, if you have the time :)


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2012 ⏰

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