Princess Private School {3}

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                                                            Princess Private School

                                                                      Chapter 3

“So what made you hold a meeting the second time today?” asked Cory not really interested in anything else, but reading the latest issue of playboy magazine in his hands. 

“A certain someone who arrived to our school a few hours ago” Oliver answered in a stern tone snatching Cory’s magazine out of his hands and throwing it in the trash bin.

“You‘re such a fun-sucker, dude” Cory began to complain pouting. “The chick on page five had the most smoking hot legs” he added crossing his arms across his chest and sinking lower into his chair making him look like a hurt little boy.

“For God’s sake Cory, stop acting like a five year old” Kyle said sitting across from him with obvious annoyance in his voice. 

It had been a long day for him, his head hurt from all of the math problems he solved, on top of that he was hungry and completely wiped out. His conclusion was that all of them stuck in their stubby meeting room didn’t really end his suffering and Cory’s childish little acts would only keep them locked up in there longer.

Cory stuck his tongue out at him and sunk deeper into his chair.

“Anyhow, I‘ve arranged this meeting again because I‘m worried about our new princess” Oliver announced to all of them ignoring Cory’s response towards Kyle.

“Oh you mean Emerald? Amy lee? Emily?” Cory tried to guess her name.

“Amythyst.” Destery and Demitri said that the same time. 


“You really need a better memory” they added.

“Well you both really need to stop being so mean to me” Cory complained again making his face look as if he’s about to cry any moment. He’s a real Drama King.

Oliver cleared his throat to draw attention back to the topic. 

“Yes, you‘re right” he confirmed and sighed. “I think we need to give her a psychological test”

“What?” all of the other members exclaimed at the same time. They too were shocked by her style and appearance, but they were curious why she needs that kind of test.

“She seems really… strange, I’ve been worried if she might cause a bad influence on the other princesses, plus I have to be sure she’s not-”

“A psychopath who will stab us all with a butcher knife late at night?” Mark finished for him with a smile. He loved horror movies since he was a kid, especially the ones with ghosts and zombies that come back from the dead. Oliver looked at him with disturbance in his eyes.

“Never mind” Mark said looking away. They all knew that it was best not to interrupt Oliver.

“So what do you want us to do?” asked one of the twins.

“Try to find a good psychologist to give her the test” Oliver answered. “I know some of you are busy, so I wanted to ask all of you at once, to see who was free”

“But won’t it look weird that she’s the only one who is going to have to take the test?” asked the other twin raising his eyebrow.

Oliver thought about it for a moment. “Then we’ll make every princess take the test, so it won’t be suspicious or hurtful to Amythyst”

“Aye-aye boss” Cory said saluting Oliver, making him roll his eyes.

“Besides, it might be a good experience to the other princesses, they might find out more about themselves” added Nick, who’s been quiet the entire evening.

Oliver stood up from his seat. “You are dismissed” he announced to the members and everyone else stood up and hurriedly walked out of the room.


While all of the guys left the crummy room with a sigh of relief that the day was finally over Amythyst was sitting in her room with the lights off. It was almost eleven p.m. but she didn’t mind staying up, she loves the night. 

Unlike other girls she passionately hates anything bright or shiny. That’s why she wanted to give up her room and live in the basement, she didn’t care where she would’ve stayed, just somewhere where it’s dark.  

Amythyst’s eyes landed on her two big suitcases and she let out a sigh. She knew she had to unpack and face the pain of light, whenever she liked it or not. 

Slowly she got off her bed, walked over to the light switch and turned it the other way. The brightness lit up the room and Amythyst quickly shut her eyes while loudly hissing as she stood next to the light switch, debating whenever to open her eyes or turn off the light again.

Soon she gave in and opened her eyes. Amythyst walked over to her two huge suitcases and unzipped one of them before taking out black gothic looking bed sheets. She knew that when she would arrive, her room would be all sunshine and rainbows, her least two favorite things, so she was packed up with a few things to change her room. 

After changing her bed sheets she threw the bright ones in the farthest corner of the room next to the fluffy pillows and began to unpack her clothes into the closet. She knew that if she continued living in this room, she would have to change it’s design, but not today. She would have plenty of time to do so.

Who knows, she might even go home next morning, since everyone’s so afraid of her already. Amythyst smiled evilly, first day here and she’s already hated. If this keeps up, she might never has to go through the princess lessons that she burningly hates so much. 

Amythyst unpacked half of her clothes, just in case she doesn’t stay for long and unzipped the other suitcase.

A smile crept onto her face as she gently took out her most valuable and fragile treasure. She had more than one of them, but this one was her most precious one…

“Hello Ebony” Amythyst said while stroking the hair of the doll in her lap. 

“I’m sorry you had to spend the entire trip in that stuffy suitcase” she apologized to the doll and kissed her porcelain cheek.

“I hope you can forgive me, but for now, let’s go to bed, tomorrow’s going to be an eventful day” Amythyst said walking over to her bed and falling on it, carefully trying not to crush the doll in the process.

“Sweet dreams, Ebony” was her last words to the doll before she fell into her dark and dreamless sleep.


Hey guys! Sorry it took so long to update! (Once again) I hope you enjoyed the chapter! ^.^

What do you guys think of Amythyst? Is she weird? Creepy? Freaky? Insane?

What about Oliver? How do you the think is going so far? 

Ha-ha that's too much questions already >_<


Love you all,


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