Princess Private School {2}

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                                                            Princess Private School

                                                                      Chapter 2

The mysterious girl stood motionless and stared at Oliver for a few moments after his question was asked. The whole place was quiet and everyone silently waited for the unknown girl's answer, but the most curious one was of course Oliver, it was eating him inside out and the fact that the girl was staying silent didn't help at all in the situation.

She eyed him up and down then looked over to his friends' direction, closed her eyes and let out a sigh. Oliver let out a breath as well and became surprised that he was holding it, but in this kind of situation everyone's so tense, that it wasn't unusual for them to keep holding in the air in their lungs.

"What is your name?" the girl finally spoke in a low and smooth voice looking at Oliver, but surprised everyone with her response.

Oliver was surprised as well, he was kind of expecting an answer, but instead he got a question thrown back at him, which made him stare at her as if she was the most weirdest thing he ever laid eyes on, she actually was. Where he came from there were only girly girls so he was used to that kind, but that girl was something really different, just as the lady on the phone described.

Soon after a couple seconds past by, Oliver got the courage to answer her question.

"I'm Oliver Sparks, the founder and president of this school, now can you please tell me if you're Amythyst" he said gently, but with a little impatience at the end.

"If I recall, I asked for your name, not also your surname or your little prince reputation, and why should I tell you if you already know?" she said to him coldly with a heavy glare and grabbed two very big suitcases that no one noticed before.

Oliver was out of words, but he sucked it up and tried not to feel offended, he done this before, she's just merely another stuck-up princess, with a really odd fashion taste...


"This is your room Amythyst" Oliver said as he opened the long creamy doors into a big and beautiful room. It had two long windows, a big queen sized bed with light creamy covers and lots of fluffy pillows, the floor was light wood, but had a snow colored carpet stretched out underneath the bed, the wallpaper was the color of vanilla with a faint printing of white roses on them, and the big wardrobe on the right side of the bed was made of light wood.

As soon as Oliver and Amythyst walked into the room, his head curiously shot to Amythyst's direction. But he saw something he never thought he would - her hands were made into fists, her eyes were filled with some kind of dangerous emotion he couldn't describe and her teeth were clenched together in her mouth.

Then after that, she opened her mouth, with her teeth still clenched, and let out a loud and irritated hiss. Oliver felt his stomach tighten and his breathing stop. Her act of pure irritation really surprised him, he never knew that a girl who can response like that even existed.

Usually when a princess sees this kind of room, she either starts dancing on the ceiling or just stubbornly says that it's good enough for her to live in, but Amythyst is someone very different.

"What is it?" Oliver asked cautiously as Amythyst snapped her head to his direction.

"Can I have an average room?" she asked coldly ignoring his question.

"What do you mean? This is an average room" Oliver answered confused by her request. It's true, some other one-girl rooms were even more fancier that this one.

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