Chapter 47

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Flashback from Deep's POV:

"I don't know how and when I fell in love with him...

I don't know what we had between us...

I didn't know what to name the feelings I had for him...

All I know was I and AD were inseparable...

Aarav and Deep are besties...

Nothing can break them...

Aarav and Deep are forever together...

This line would swell my heart with immense happiness...

Everyone would go awe admiring our bond...

We were like each other shadows...

But shadows too leave us at a point

And that's what happened with us when Diya entered our lives...

In 12th std, we already made good friends and our college life was going good but then a new girl entered our class...

She was a late admission...

Though everyone in the class tried to be good to her she always kept an arms distance from everyone...

She was pretty naive...

AD being the mercy fellow extended a hand of friendship to her...initially she was hesitant but later she took it

And that's how Aarav and Diya's friendship started...

And that's how a small rupture was created in my heart on the first day of their friendship itself...

Their friendship began blooming and I was getting insecure...

I used to fight with him for being close to her...

I used to keep reminding him that only Deep is his bestie and no one else...

I used to have mixed feelings

The feeling that would make me happy was AD is always mine...he will never replace me with anyone else

And the feeling that would make me anxious was what if Diya who is more beautiful than me... more polite than me would take my place in AD's heart...

Different feelings left me frustrated...

At a point when I was on the urge of crying, he assured me in the most loveliest way...

He just took my hand and rested my palm over his chest "This is my Deep"

It took me a second time to realize what he said...

He said Deep is his heart

"And without this a person is dea

I hugged him tight and didn't let him finish that word "Don't say that"

I felt his arms around my shoulders while his soothing voice flushed my heart "Without you, my life has no meaning Deep....Aarav needs his Deep to complete him"

His heartfelt confession and affectionate warmth vanished every tint of fear within me

And that was the moment when I realised what we exactly had between us

It was pure love...

Love that was scared to lose our bond
Love that was our strength and weakness both...

We decided to focus on the board exams...

As usual, we studied together and performed well in the exam...

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