Chapter 50

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Deep's POV:

"No a little left please...

Now it's too left...

Take a little right...



Thank you"

And finally, my dance school is all set...

Tomorrow we have the inauguration ceremony and all the preparations were done...

Paying the helpers I left a deep sigh and glanced over every minute corner of my dance school

The word MY dance school itself gives me a kind of proud feeling...

An emotional moment for me...

And I was missing my love...

I wish my husband could be there right here with me and I would jump in his arms while he would twirl me around and the huge hall would fill with our laughers...

It was our way to express our excitement and this tradition of ours is being followed since the day the little AD and his Deep were united after 15 days of separation...

And like Arjun says distance will help you to know the depth of a bond yet another time I realised the depth of love between me and my husband...

Every time we have separated the love between us kept on blooming more and more...

Be the separation of 15 days when I got my first it the separation of 6 years when we were prey to a mere misunderstanding and even now be it the separation of a week as my husband was out of town for his work

Our hearts went on intensifying the love we have for each other

And since the valentines confession, my husband is behaving like a teen in love and I have become a but of jokes...

Like a thief, he would jump in every corner of our house and romance with me anywhere and anytime...

And his filmy tricks were something that turn my cheeks so rosy like a red rasgulla and my shameless husband would peck my cheeks in front of everyone with his stupid dialogue "Rasgullas are my obsession"

And to be honest...

His kisses are my obsession too🙈

Though we haven't shared a proper kiss...his cute pecks are something that I always yearn and adore

And when the first time our lips met ever so softly I was floating in a different whole body was caught up with europhia

And every time my husband's romantic mode was switched on Miss Sexy used to literally run a hot movie in my mind...

Miss Saint has negotiated with Miss Sexy and now both of them are a team and embarrass the shit out of me..

Desiring heart and horny brain is a deadly combo indeed...

Our family knows that my husband is not the so-called innocent man as he addresses himself but they tease me to the hell and back...

And especially Sona...

That girl is on another level...

A small size detective with a baby bump...

I wonder how she used to catch us red-handed all the time and would tease us saying we have got a separate room and better not to do our hanky panky as Aarna is already getting affected by Arjun's behaviour and our open romance could add fuel to the fire of Arjun's never-ending shameless stunts...

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