4 : What Do You See?

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I think Chica deserves more love 🥺
This Chica is a little OOC but I think y'all will like her a lot judging by the character development that I have planned for her!

(Y/n) was pinned down by violet eyes that stared straight through at her. The figure staggered stiffly into the dim hallway light. Soft, feathery, white fur, that pink and green aesthetic, rosy cheeks and triangle earrings. It was Chica, the electric guitar soloist.

Chica looked much taller then she did on the stage, the animatronic could easily latch onto the girl and lift her feet off the floor. She was taller then daddy.

The chick had a sugary voice that (Y/n) would've found comfort in if it wasn't for the fact that the robot twitched stiffly but still seemed so human at the same time. It was disturbing, none the less. It was like looking at a thing built like a human but failing at the same time.

The security bot that was previously hell-bent on trying to catch her stopped right behind her. It's flashlight shined on Chica. It's trapping her, making sure she doesn't escape!

Suddenly, Chica took booming steps towards her, arms slowly reaching out with the sound of wires pulling. The girl backed up into the S.T.A.F.F bot. Right into its cold, metallic body that mechanically clicked and buzzed behind the metal shell around it.  The girl whimpered quietly.

Chica lunged towards (y/n) very lazily. The child scrambled passed the Security Bot who didn't have time to stop her from fleeing. She nearly dodged robotic hands. Chica squawked in surprise. The Bot sounded alarms loudly. The little girl ran as fast as she could.

This was terrifying. So, so terrifying. What did the girl do wrong? Why were they chasing her? She heard Chica say something in that sweet voice but the girl couldn't hear it over the sound of stomping and the blood rushing in her ears. The hallways twisted and turned and the floors were shaking.

She ran into an unfamiliar hallway and out double doors. The clacking of the tiles in those hallways was replace with the stamping on plush carpet. She was in the Atrium!

(Y/n) sped down an escalator and down to the main stage area. She saw several photo booths in a pack. She quickly glanced behind her and saw that Chica was struggling to get down the escalator. The Security Bot from before was nowhere in sight.

The girl sprinted to the photo booths. She drawled the curtains of one and hid herself in the darkness of the small, enclosed space. (Y/n) muffled her mouth to try and keep her whimpers at bay, tears flowed freely down her face. Goosebumps prickled up her spine.

She peaked through the curtains to see Chica standing somewhere nearby. It seems like the animatronic can't seem to find her. A bar of light shined on the child's watery and fearful eyes from behind the curtains, if the animatronic came any closer, the chicken would've been able to see her.

Her legs felt like jello and her arms felt like led. She was frozen like ice in the booth, crouched in a vulnerable position.

The chicken seemed to give up searching. Good thing she didn't go near the photo booths. The animatronic stiffly strides away. The child let out a shaky sigh of relief. She was trembling like it was freezing, it was chilly in here but it was not the reason why she was shaking so terribly, she was terrified. Chica didn't seem to be herself, she was scary.

(Y/n) saw a distant gleam of a flashlight way back in the Atrium. She thought it was a Bot but she was baffled when she saw that it was, in fact, a woman! Or more importantly, a human!

The girl desperately rushed out of her hiding place and towards the blonde woman with a security hat and a white long-sleeved shirt on. The night guard strided quietly through the Atrium with an increasingly frustrated look on her face, not seeing the little girl running towards her, stumbling in her steps because her legs still felt like spaghetti.

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