12 : Blood Moon

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It was dark. Absurdly so, the once lively play structures ahead of them could barely be seen within the utter darkness that seemed to consume everything. The pizzaplex itself never got this dark, there was once and a while a light on. Whether it was vibrant, neon plasters or a bulb that flicked on at night.

The lively music was completely dead silent. The air was damp and cool, but even so, the girl felt her throat tighten like someone was grasping her roughly there. It was fear, fear was warning her that something monstrous was there.

There was a clicking sound in the air, it echoed throughout the daycare. It was not the sound of a clock, no, it was the creature before them with bright, red eyes making that sound. With a grand leap, it was on top of the counter before them.

The children got a good look at it then, in the dim blue light from behind them. It was tall, and thin. It towered over them like they were little toy figurines. Its spindly fingers looked like claws. A grotesque smile was spread across its face like someone with a blade cut it there.

The tapping sound was coming from its innards that were hidden behind a metal plating. But that was not the only sound it made, sinister giggles crackled out of its voicebox like a child burning ants underneath the light of a magnifying glass. Like a monster ready to feast on fresh kill. The small chuckles were jagged, rough and sometimes glitched like an old radio, sporadically made by the robot.

His attire was similar to his sun counterpart. He had that jester-like appearance. His baggy pants had shining star-prints on them which glowed faintly in the dark, unlike the warm stripes Sun had. He was cooler colors of blues, purples and silvers, the personification of the night sky.

There was an innocent nightcap upon his head, seemingly attached there. It would've been a funny sight if it wasn't for those glowing, crimson eyes burning into their souls.

The robot leaned in closely to them. The red ribbons that still seemed to be on his wrist jingled like laughter. The terrifying ticking and clicking sound became louder, like a ticking time-bomb. He did not step off the counter, fortunately, but he still seemed to be right in front of them.

The children got a good look at his half-moon themed face, and impossibly wide smile. They could see that his red eyes also held white pupils. (Y/n) immediately recognized him from the large, golden statue at the entrance of the daycare.

The children slowly backed away from the animatronic. Gregory's gold eyes shined in the sadistic red optics. The little girl couldn't help but look at anything but the robot before them. The moon-themed jester was giggling like a maniac.

"Naughty, naughty children..." he cackled out as he leaned back. He stepped on the counter slowly with his elfish shoes, imitating a circling, hungry vulture as he took long strides on the faux marble. But the robot's eyes never looked at anything but them. "Why must you be up at this hour? There's no reason why. No, no reason at all..."

It sounded as if he was thinking, contemplating something, as he eyed them like a hawk with mice. Suddenly, his long arm lifted up and his talons curled around a long, metal rope that seemed to be magnetically attracted to him as it snaked down from the ceiling towards the animatronic.

If there was any way for this robot's grin to get wider, it would be physically impossible, and it would rip through more than a half of his face. He chuckled darkly and statically. His deep and scratchy voice lowered octaves as he leaned back.

"Oh, I know how to fix this...disobedience," he slowly lifted off the ground, the wire attached to his back pulled him up. The clicking sound got even louder. "I'll have to put you to sleep!"

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