80k! : We're Waiting Every Night

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This is a long one
Implied and attempted child murder 🧸

There was no reason to be afraid of the dark, it was comforting and embracing, it was ever growing and waning between night and day. When you are afraid of the light, you hide in the shadows. There was no hidden intention to darkness itself.

There was no reason to be afraid of the dark, but (y/n) was. Not just from the twisting shadows that smiled and scowled, but of the creatures that hid in the shadows with you.

'Don't be afraid,' they would whisper, but humans aren't known to be a trusting species, because they are always afraid of something. Whether it was someone else or themselves, fear is always involved.

The two children stood in front of a large hallway, its looming presence a shadow that dragged across their gazes. It was ridiculous that a mere hallway seemed to be a plight of death, but something about it was alluring, but also foreboding. Almost as if a powerful force was interfering with any sort of thought of the dark corridor.

Amber chuckled nervously, his fingers pinched together. His eyes scanned the area warily, he could not see the end of it, yet he had an inkling of what was back there.

It was just a couple of party rooms, those of which are not done with construction. They were probably empty rooms of wreckage that have yet to be fixed. If you glanced to the near side, there were bathrooms diagonal to each other, these were usable, but few people have walked in and out of them.

And to the far back, it was the security guards room. Unseeable in the darkness, but its presence was known through invisible cameras that littered the area. If you looked for the silent eyes, you would see them in small, blinking, red lights.

This hallway was altogether avoided by the masses. Their voices and chatters were clear to the children's ears, but the comfort of crowds still felt far away. The corridor was the most diminished area of the diner. Employees recommend that customers stay in the dining area, and that they should only go into the hall for the bathrooms.

(Y/n) wanted to protest entering it, but found no excuse to say. Her parents aren't here, it was just her and Amber. But she didn't like the idea of just waltzing in, what if they get caught? She wanted to say this is why she was fearful, but she knew she was really afraid of the dark, of separating from the public.

The boy came up with the idea to look for ghosts. He mentioned the hallway, that always seemed to be there, but forgotten at the same time. The children would run past it, laughing, but they seldom even glanced at it.

"It would be fun," Amber said out of the blue, "we play in the diner way too much, it would be a nice change of things!"

Though he didn't know what exactly he was dealing with at the time. A nagging feeling pulled at his chest to turn back and mind his own business, but what was this suspicion? It's just a hallway, that's all.

Amber took a quiet step forward, then two, then three. He looked back at (y/n) who stared at him dumbfounded and urged her to follow him, "c'mon, (y/n)."

The girl averted her eyes before following the boy, who trudged forward like water was pulling at him. They continued down the tiled floor that tapped ominously between their shoes. They passed the bathrooms, something they have never walked past before.

"I'm not sure this is a good idea..." the girl was the first to speak. Amber glanced back at her, before flickering his eyes back to the old drawings on the walls. They were crayon sketches of the familiar band of three, as well as the fox animatronic Amber has never seen before. They had friendly smiles on their faces, offering cake and confetti to grinning children.

ɢʟᴀᴍᴏʀᴏᴜꜱ ᴇʏᴇꜱOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora