48 : Bleeding Heart

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...In time, you will know who to trust. Even if it seems to be the most impossible of people.

Vanessa's eyebrows furrowed together in frustration as she realized that the main exit was their best bet. The only problem was that she herself cannot open it until six AM. Only Vanny knew how to do so, and she and Vanny do not share the same memory. Vanny's mind was connected closely to the Virus', she basically was the Virus itself, and the Virus was very aware about information that Vanessa herself did not know. Only Vanny did, and Vannessa did not speak to Vanny. Though they shared the same body, they never really interacted, the Virus took control of the body when it needed to, and it was hard to resist. But now that the Breach was messing with all of the systems of control that the Virus had, Vanessa was more of herself than Vanny.

Perhaps it was a miracle, perhaps it was a curse, to be a sentient puppet that could make its own decisions. Though the Virus did not have as much power as it had before, it was still there. It knew she was disobeying, and it wouldn't be long before she was punished. Discipline could very much mean death, considering the Virus' response to threats, and she was a threat to all of its plans. Its main objective was to kill (y/n,) the very same girl who she was hoping to save. Vanessa was terrified, of course she was, but there was a thrill that came with it, a thrill that didn't make her regret it, not one bit.

If she could save at least one child, she'd have one less regret on the pile of them on her shoulders. Even if it meant ending the miniscule life and legacy that was 'Vanessa,' she was willing to take the risk. Why now? She didn't have the answer as to why, out of all of them, it was this little girl. It was like something had awakened in her, something that had long since been deep asleep. The consciousness of Vanessa wasn't important to the Virus, in fact, she was more of an inconvenience. It was a miracle that she was still intact, and that Vanny hadn't completely eradicated her and all that made this vessel human. She wanted to make use of the chance and opportunity she finally had to make her own decisions.

There wasn't much time, only a few more hours or so, before this night ended. It was supposed to be a night of slaughter, it went along the lines of choosing a child to be the chosen one, which was (y/n). Then, the plan was to delete her guest pass off of the system, which initially worked. Then Vanny would be sent to kill her in one big game of hide and seek. The Virus enjoyed the chase for the most part, just as it had in every night of slaughter, but soon it realized that there was another, more dangerous contender than a little girl. The host of the Security Breach, the prophesied destroyer of the Virus, and of course, the vessel of the Breach had grown close to the human girl, which was currently causing major issues with the other AI in the system.

Despite the fact that Vanessa felt a certain dark shuddering every time she thought of those piercing, golden eyes of the vessel, she believed he was somewhat of a miracle. Perhaps he would be the one to bring this endless cycle of death to an end, but it was unlikely. There was something about Gregory, it was dark and cold, he was not much different from the Virus. When she left with the girl after pushing the crazy AI away from her, he had those piercing, intelligent eyes on her. He already seemed to be planning devious things on how to get the girl back. His actions felt more for himself than the good of others. Vanny warned her about the Breach's host, but honestly Vanessa was curious as to what he was going to do to stop the Virus. Many have tried, and none have ever succeeded. Take her for example...

She stared at the simple drawing of those front doors with spite. It was like they were taunting her, laughing at her because of the fact that she will never be the same woman that she was, she will never escape the fate that she was given, the murderous puppet of the Virus. She cannot leave this place behind, she cannot live beyond the role that was placed upon her. She was akin to a dog that ran away from its owner, she felt freed from her master, but the leash and collar will always remain on her throat... She feels the leash pull at her, and she doesn't know how long she'd be free until she would be captured again.

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